Chapter 8

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"Wow! You work here? It's big!" Mary exclaimed as she craned her neck to see the top of the building. Amelia smiled a proud smile as she proceeded towards the automatic sliding door. "In we go, girls. No dilly-dally." She yelled and disappeared into the building.

"Let's go!" Mary laughed as she pumped her hand in the air. "Sarah?" She turned to look at her friend. "Are you alright? Sarah?" It was a stupid question to ask. Of course, she wasn't. Her eyes were dilated. She was gasping for breath. She was shaking. Her muscles were tight. "Sarah?" she asked as she placed a hand on her head.

The shaking stopped. Her eyes became normal. So did her breath. Her muscles relaxed. But her eyes still had a weird look in them.

"Sarah? Mary?" Amelia was looking at them from the door. "Be right there!" She yelled. She would ask her later. Or maybe she wouldn't. She caught her hand and pulled her along towards the door. The inside was as majestic as the outside. It was big and vast. sadly, she didn't have much time to stop and look. Amelia ushered them into an elevator towards the left. She shoved them in and swiped a card through a small box in the wall. She quickly entered a number and pressed 'enter'. Mary turned to see Sarah looking at the box. Probably already cracked the code.

She turned her head towards Amelia. "Amelia? Where are we going?" Amelia kept staring at the door as she responded. "To my boss." "How is he related to my uncle?" Amelia continued staring at the door. "Amy? If we are to be a part of this, you should tell us."Sarah pointed out. This was the first time she had spoken since leaving the hotel. Her mother had been talking to Sarah for a while before denying the offer to come with them. She wondered what they had been talking about.

"They were partners." Amelia still wouldn't meet her eye. "How can an FBI agent become the partner of a journalist?" She asked. Amelia didn't respond. Finally, she responded. "He wasn't a journalist. He agent."

Mary stared at her. "No, he was a journalist. Not an agent. He.... told me." Her voice choked. "Why would he lie to me? He wouldn't." Amelia finally met her eye. The sorrow was clear in her eyes. "He was involved in highly dangerous missions. He wanted to protect you." She couldn't believe her. She didn't want to.

"Mary. It's alright. People aren't always who you think they are. People lie. A lot. But he probably did it to keep you safe." She looked up at Sarah. Her eyes were empty. Like she was in a distant land. This wasn't her.

Before she could speak even a single word, the door opened and Sarah stepped out. "Remain in that room over there, please." Amelia pointed towards a door. On the door was a board was a sign that read: 'VISITOR'S LOUNGE'. Sarah nodded. She entered the room with Mary following her.

The VISITOR'S LOUNGE lived up to its name. The whole room was a dark blue with two sofas both facing each other. The windows overlooked the city below them. The walls were covered with pictures of the higher ups or other agents receiving awards.

Sarah sat on one sofa as Mary paced up and down the room. The latest revelations and Sarah's weird behaviour had left her quite confused. Sarah turned to face her. "I don't like it here. I can't trust them." Mary stopped and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't trust them either but what other option do we have? They brought us here so we owe them something." She walked over to the door and tried the handle. Her eyes widened. "What?" Sarah asked as she sat up. "It's locked."

Sarah will definitely freak out soon. She sighed." No choice. We'll have to break it down." Sarah got up from the sofa. "Wait? What?" Mary took a deep breath and shook her hands. She then got in the ' KungFu Crane pose'. "Whatever one shouts during KungFu!!!!" She yelled causing Sarah to laugh.

As if on cue, the door opened and Amelia came in while talking to someone. "Well Daniel, they are very well behaved So there is nothing to worry about - MAAARRY?" She shouted in shock. A handsome man in a black business suit came in laughing. "Very well behaved, Amelia." He clapped his hands and smiled. "Good effort at KungFu, Mary." She hissed at him and ran behind Sarah. Her eyes could be seen peeping up from behind her. "Who in jellyville are you?"She hissed again. His eyes widened in bewilderment. He seemed to be smiling.Suddenly, he broke into tears of laughter. He smiled at the two and gave them a courteous bow.

                  "My name is Daniel Selante. The Mission Director of the FBI."

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