Chapter 29

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The door to the graveyard was left open as Sarah approached it. The gray gates were old and rusted. A glimpse of what lies inside, she thought. The grass was slightly crushed by the constant movement of the gate that morning.

"Sarah." A voice called her from behind. She quickly turned around.

There she was. Sarah had been expecting her ever since she heard all the guests had arrived. Mrs. Marrows.

The forty-year-old woman stood a few feet away. Her eyes showed emptiness. Still, there was a bit of hope in her eyes which hadn't been there when she had left her all those many weeks ago... How long ago it was... Those days seemed like a dream now.

"You.. kept your promise."

Sarah nodded. "I said I would. I had to."

Mrs. Marrows smiled. There were wrinkles around her mouth when she smiled just like there always had been. At least that didn't change. Everything had changed so fast over the past few weeks that she felt like the rug had been pulled from under her. Her whole world was still spiraling. It would be forever before it finally calmed down.

"You did well."

"Well?" She asked with a laugh. Mrs. Marrows looked at her sadly. "If it weren't for me, Amelia- my step sister, she would still be here. If she had just not pushed me at least she would still be here. Because of me...." Her breakdown was near. "If Amelia had not tried to save me.... If I hadn't existed then Daniel would still be happy. He would still be his old self. If I wasn't real then Amelia would still be breathing. Everyone would be happy..."

She felt a hand hit her right across the cheek. Mary stood in front of her hate burning in her eyes."Shut up. Don't you, you dare say that. You think I would be happy if you weren't here. Girl, get a hold of yourself. If you died, Amelia wouldn't be Amelia. She was the way she was because she had a little sister to protect. Paul ran into the Cachtice Castle and put his life at risk for you. He needn't have done that but when I asked him why he did it he said he couldn't let you die. You made him happy. He said he didn't want a girl with a pure soul to die."

She shook her head. "Your mother... She's so happy you're alive. Sam was glad to see his older sister. Daniel will get over Amelia. He may not but even he's happy you're alive. I'm happy you're alive. Laura's glad. How else do you mean by 'everyone'? If you mean my dog, even he's glad to see you, you know. I mean if you weren't here how would give him biscuits every day?Honestly, I don't know what to do with you." With a sigh, she walked off. "Seriously girl, someone needed to tell you that. See ya at the HQ."

Sarah stared after her. "Well, she has a point. Even if she needn't have hit you. Well, that's Mary. Always frank and blunt." Mrs. Marrows said. "Anyways Sarah, she's right. Amelia's death is not your fault, kay? She got justice even if it was only life imprisonment. Punishment is still punishment."

Sarah nodded. "I hope she's not mad at me for telling you what happened. I mean, she might have wanted to tell you but knowing her she probably wouldn't so..." Mrs. Marrow smiled. "It's true. She wouldn't and I for one am just really glad you told me. I don't know how she would have fared otherwise. Thank you, Sarah."

Sarah smiled. "You're welcome." Finally, something felt right.

She turned on her foot and walked out of the cemetery.


Trees. Grass. Trees. Grass. An occasional flower. Trees. Grass. An occasional flower.

This was her only surroundings as she ran up the hill leading to the Cachtice Castle. It had been quite a while since she started her trek up these ways. It wasn't the usual route. She had chosen the hilly side this time. Oh well, this was her punishment.

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