Chapter 24

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Mary continued stroking Laura's hair.

"You smell good..."

"What-?" Laura began trying to fight the hug.

"I changed my mind. I forgive you."

Laura seemed a bit shocked.

"But why?"

"Your powers were out of control. You weren't being you. I may say that I forgive you but deep down I know it will take a lot of time before I can. But you remind me of Liya so I just can't hate you either. It's complicated."

"That can't be it. If I remind you of Liya, its all the more reason to hate me."

"Do you really want me to hate you?"

"No, but...."

"Well, I have a dog at home and it too looks as cute as you do. I love it so I love you."


"Heard it one too many times."

Laura seems sceptical as Mary smiled letting her go. "I knew you weren't the melodramatic and philosophical type."

"Laura... I do have a question though. Why didn't you choose to reveal the truth sooner?" Sarah inquired.

Laura sighed. "It's simple, really. Along with the fact that I should not feel for unrelated matters, there is another rule imposed upon me. I had to agree to it if I were ever to complete my mission. "

"And the law is....?"

"The law consists of three parts." She held up her hand and folded one finger at a time as she began counting.  

 First, I can only reveal the truth via a child. That is one who is not an adult in any country or in other words is not above 21 years, as I was not an adult when I died.

Second, I can only choose this child and pass over my memories. Whether they reveal it or not is upto them. Since I wanted it revealed, I needed to chose carefully.

 Three, I can only chose once. So if you die before Mr Holland is unveiled Sarah, the truth remains lost forever. "

Sarah nodded. "So that's why you got all panicky when I left that room. So why did you chose me?"

Laura smiled. "Sarah, give me your hand." Confused, she held it up. Laura caught her hand in her arms. Mist collected everywhere. Around Sarah and Laura, mostly. "What is going on?" Sarah demanded as the mist began encircling them. Chains appeared around her arms. It connected her to Laura. "It's proof of the curse, Sarah."

"What curse?" Amelia pressed. Laura smiled. "Do you remember that I cursed this village and Mr Colbert's family?"

"Yeah, you said you would haunt them forever till everything was revealed."

Laura smiled sadly. "Have you ever wondered why you sister left? Or why your father had to remarry? Or why such horrors always happen to your family?"

Sarah's eyes widened. "It can't be.... How could it...?"

"It's true, Sarah. You are one of the descendants of Mr Colbert. To be precise, his direct bloodline. A year after Mr Colbert left Slovakia with his family, his youngest son found out about his father's evil deeds. He told the rest of his family. The rest decided to support Mr Colbert. His youngest son didn't think that way. He got mad. He argued day and night with his family. One day, he left and came back to Slovakia. He came to me and told me he knew. He begged forgiveness on behalf of his father. I couldn't forgive. But as time passed, we became close. He wanted to tell everyone in the village the truth.... but at that time, no one would believe him. So he promised me. Someday, a descendant of his would release me. I was to wait till the age was right. An age when traditional beliefs were being destroyed. An age when people would believe. I waited. He grew old. Died. He was buried outside this castle in the courtyard. His brothers continued doing wrong. His wife and children remained right. The blood line continued. Time passed peacefully. Both families suffered. The brothers prospered doing wrong. The other tried to stay on the right path. Soon , the only son of the good family left Slovakia in an attempt to gain a better job elsewhere. It worked. He was happy. Married. Had a daughter. As had been throughout their history when all was happy, the worst happened. My curse took hold. The marriage went downhill. Divorce. Married again. Had a daughter and a son. Fights persisted. Soon one daughter came to Slovakia. Few years later, the other followed in pursuit. That girl Sarah, was you!"

Sarah's eyes became wider. "So why me?"

"Because, you were the only one who fulfilled all criteria. Your sister is kind and good but she is too selfless. You are selfish but not too much. You believe in truth. Like your ancestor. You love your friends but value justice more. Like your ancestor. You are intelligent just like him. And I trusted him beyond all, Sarah. That is the reason why I made you my Chosen One."

Sarah still couldn't wrap her head around all this. She was Colbert's descendant?!

Laura smiled at her sadly. "I'm sorry. After a while, I wanted to stop the curse over your side of the family. I couldn't. I had no control over my curse, anymore."  

A silence followed. A deadening silence. Mary shook her head and walked over to Sarah. She placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey Sarah, you're forgetting something." Sarah looked up at her. "What nonsense are you spewing out again?"

Mary pouted. "You are still Sarah. Who cares if you're some freako's progeny? Who cares if you care about valor and justice? You are still you. Just because some dumb idiot decided to kill a girl doesn't mean you did. So cheer up. This really doesn't make a difference. I would have hated you had you been someone else."

She smiled and walked back to Laura and hugged her again. "You are so cute!" Laura began squirming in protest. "Mary! Stop!"

Sarah and Amelia burst our laughing. What an idiot that girl is.

A moment's peace.

"How foolish. How repulsive. How disgusting." Sarah looked for the source. 

"I can't even bare to look at it." Stephone growled as he got up. It seemed to take him a lot of effort to do so. Laura turned to face him. "Thank you, Laura for your explanation. Now I finally know who the hell I should kill. I'l give it to you. You really made this situation confusing for me by sparing Mary." He smiled an evil smile.

"But now, it's time. Let's end this little game, shall we?"

Laura seemed shocked. Stephone pulled out his gun.

What's going on? The barrel was pointed at her- Sarah..

"Sarah!" She heard Laura scream.

The next few seconds happened too fast. Yet she saw it as though in slow motion. Yet she couldn't understand.

 The gunshot was fired.

Laura was screaming. So was Mary.

Why was she still standing?  

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