Hide The Scars That Fade Away The Shake Up

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Gerard sighs, brushing away eraser rubbings with the back of his hand. He leans into Lyn-z, curling into himself and his sketch book. Their suit cases lay open at the end of the bed.

The sound of pencil scratching and breathing accompany the wind from outside, causing the trees to scratch against the windows of the pack house.

Lyn-z leans against the head board of the bed in Gerard's room. Nothing is touched or moved besides the creases they make from sitting on top of the bed sheets. Gerard is sat sideways in her lap, head snuggled under her chin.

The older girl was more of a substitute mother to him then a friend, looking after Gerard and trusting in him, unlike everyone else.

The cold that clung to their skin from the morning walk stays, considering Gerard doesn't want his new room touched, refusing to turn the heat up or pull back the covers. He shivers and sniffs, pausing to look out the window, the top of the McCracken pack house seen through the trees and over the small hill separating the territories.

The woods on the other side of the clearing are much thicker, surrounding their small cleared out territory.

Gerard misses Los Angles, their big hills and thick trees that ran along the out skirts of their old territory and throughout the middle. He misses the sun through his tiny window and the friends that went to the public school ten miles off the boarder.

Now he would be homeschooled by his mother, some how gathering the time and strength to teach him like she was supposed to after sixteen years.

Lyn-z takes the pencil out of his hand, closing his sketch book and placing it on the bedside table. Gerard starts to whimper and she shushes him, allowing him to push his head into her chest and grip her shirt like a child.

"You'll get used to it, or find him before the full moon." She says, kissing Gerard on the crown of his head.

"An alpha isn't going to find me in less than thirty days. Wherever he is. The only other pack around is higher north, and their alpha is a girl so."

"I'd call her a lady," Lyn-z remarks. "But you wouldn't go for her anyway."

"My gay-ness has a body count." Gerard deadpans.

"There's always the Iero pack." She suggests, running a hand through Gerard's inky black hair.

"Yeah well, they're scary." He sniffs. "And they've got to be mated, with all that power."

Lyn-z didn't say anything, petting Gerard until his eyes start to droop.


"Who's this?" Gerard's mother flips a laminated photo on the table. The yellow glow of the lights reflect off the mahogany of the long dinner table and Gerard focuses on it before letting his eyes crawl to the photo.

"Don't know." He says quietly, slouched in his chair. She sighs angrily, grabbing the photo and putting it on the bottom of her big pile. She flips another one onto the table.

"That's Bert's brother." Gerard says, recognizing him from when he pushed him into the wall before they left for Jersey.

"Which one?" Gerard shrugs and his mother sighs again, pushing the photo to the bottom of the pile and picking another up. She gives a look of disgust and throws it behind her, letting it sway in the air and disappear under the table.

"Who was that?" Gerard asks, curious.

"A very bad man who went against Bert's wishes. He was one of the other alpha's of the pack. Now he's on trial to go lone." Donna picks at the paint on her nails as she talks.

"He wanted to be top alpha?" Gerard questions.

"No. He just didn't agree with Bert. On anything really. Scum bag." She remarks angrily.

Gerard goes to push out his chair, wanting to see the picture and burn it to memory. He stops at the look he gets from his mother. She picks up another photo.

"Who's this?"

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