You pollute the room with a filthy tounge

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Gerard watches the animal disappear once more behind the trees. The teen sighs, rolling over as fast as his aching body can cope with. He grunts, pushing up shakily to his feet.

The sun makes spotted dots on his pale skin, giving it a glowing feel. Gerard moves his hands to cup the warmth.

Shaking his head, the teen looks around, trying to catch the top of the pack house or something familiar.

Gerard sighs, looking for a high vantage point. He gazes over the tree line, eyes moving to their towering branches. They reach up to the muted gray blue sky, thick tendrils yearning for the heavens.

Sighing, Gerard looks away, knowing he doesn't have the strength to climb something like that. Plus, the sixteen year old is not running the risk of falling out of one of those.

Foot prints mark the mud. Gerard's are the freshest, right next to the sunken mud where he slept. Paw prints spot a clear, straight path from the trees to where he stands and back.

Gerard looks closer, sore neck aching as he pushes his head forward in thought. Deep foot prints lead to the side of the pond. They look home to some sort of hunting or rain boot, making a track to the lake side and into the tree line.

Avoiding the two vague body shapes in the mud, Gerard stumbles after the drying foot prints and into the tree line.


Gerard's covered in mud head to toe, hair matted at the back of his head and clothes still damp. People turn to watch him as he stumbles slowly through the town square. Some smile slightly and others look away. He keeps his eyes forward, clutching onto every shard of his dignity left broken from when Bert had thrown him into the water.

Reaching the hill of the pack house, he pants. It's steep, and Gerard has to lean down on his hands and pull at the ground painfully in order to find his way to the pack house.

The big mahogany doors taunt him, and the teen makes sure to spread as much drying mud as he can into the carpet as he makes his way into the entrance hall.

"Oh Gee! You came back from your walk!" Bert's voice cuts through the air like a knife.

A cheery, over enthusiastic, knife.

"Walk?" Gerard growls, putting a hand on the wall to steady himself.

"Oh yes!" Donna says, heels clicking as she comes out from the kitchen. "Bert told me you two camped  out in the forest and you wanted to take a walk to the bakery before coming home. You've been gone all morning dear."

Gerard seethes, looking to Bert and narrowing his eyes.

"You mean, Bert beat me, dropped me in a lake, and left me in the woods last night?"

"Darling!" Donna hushes him, sending a look to Bert. "Bert said-"

"And your son is saying Bert lied." Gerard cuts her off, clutching his side.

"Well I'm going to have to say I don't believe you." Bert smiles from behind Donna, hands in his pockets. Gerard eyes sweep his muddy boots before coming back up to his face.

The omega gives the most angry look he can, hugging the wall before using his hands and knees to get up the stairs.

He can hear Bert chuckle to his mother once he's reached the top of the winding staircase.

"I taught him to crawl like that."

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