And the ground taunts my wings, plummet as I sing

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The room is colder than normal when Gerard opens his dry eyes, knuckles scratch against rough cement.

Everything expands to the all around, walls unseen in the darkness. Gerard's breath catches when he can't find a something to lean against. He sits up quickly, waving his arms madly in circles, not able to see anything at all, wolf sight be dammed.

The silence is scarier than the dark, Gerard finds as he curls up closer in on himself, wrapping his arms around his knees.

"Hello?" He bites his bottom lip, the words dispersing into the dark. Gerard's voice is scratchy with sleep. He clears his throat and shivers.

The silence answers, the room dropping seemingly ten degrees as the time slowly ticks away.

The hole gets bigger.

Gerard can feel it, something flaking away inside the more he pays it mind, taking his attention away from the silence in the dark room.

It gets bigger.

The omega shakes his head, pulling his legs closer and balling his fists under Lyn-z's sweater's paws.

Ten days.

Gerard lays on his side, reaching out an arm as far as he can and around a bit, long fingers grasping for something.



He sighs, pulling his arm back into his chest and laying on his arms and legs in the fetal position.

Gerard's mind races, closing his eyes and cringing when his bare feet touch the concrete below. He must be in the basement or something of the sort, left to rot until moon.



A sliver of light shocks Gerard as it spreads into a thin rectangle some maybe ten feet up on the wall. Something slides through a slot higher up, falling with a thump and disappearing in the air afterwards before the light coming from the slot and rectangle flicker out of existence.

Soft foot steps are heard before they fade like the light. Nothin follows as Gerard holds his breath, scared to move.

He shakes, crawling in small tentative scoots until his hands touch splintering wood. He leans on his left while the other finds the stair above, they creak while he starts climbing.

Gerard's breaths shakes as his hand touches cold plastic, he clasps the material, feeling through to the styrofoam take out containers inside. The crinkles startle him, filling the room with a all consuming noise.

Sighing in relief, the teen feels the platform around him, fingers finding where the ledge drops off before coming back to reach to the other side. Gerard leans against the wooden door, feeling along for a door nob or the magical slot the food was barely fit through.

Cold metal forms a neat square in the center of the old door, giving Gerard resistance as he knocks against it. He hands snake down, careful of splinters as he finds where the door meets the floor. Sliding his fingers under until the cement turns into a cool flat substance, maybe marble. Gerard pulls his fingers back before he hurts them.

Gerard opens the package blindly, barley used to the restriction of sight.

He pats the area inside, the box shaking slightly as the sound of dry food wiggling around against the container fills the otherwise silent room.

Gerard lifts a flat disk, the smell of butter and salt lofting from the simple cracker in his hand. He sighs, shoving it while in his mouth before grabbing the next greedily from the flat, small box.

There's only ten, and Gerard's stomach growls loudly when his hand can't find anymore food in the dark.

Gerard throws the container off the stair platform angrily, listening to it spin in the air softly and settle on the cement floor.

Patting around for the plastic bag it came in, he brushes that off too, its crinkles fading as it descends.


The hole gets bigger, ticking away inside Gerard like some child picking away at the paneling in the house after you've told them not to. The room stays completely silent, as except for his ragged breaths, throat all too dry from his lack of hydration. His eyes dart quickly around the room, and Gerard is unsure if they're open or closed anymore.

Steps are heard outside.



Honestly, I don't know. I'm just following my outline. This chapter was actually really hard to write for NO REASON IT PISSED ME OFF.

Anyway, have this space here to rant freely I wanna hear yo' problems cause I care.

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

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