Perfect by nature, icons of self-indugence

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"Pack Luna, Gerard, pack Luna. You need to know this." Gerard slouches in his chair, face pouty. His mother stands on the other side of the dinning room table, light dropping down from the chandler and creating deep shadows on her face.

"You know, they say a Luna who can't remember their pack doesn't belong in that pack, so why don't we pack up and go back to California." Donna seethes over her many laminated papers.

"You know!" She slams them down to the table. "A real omega stays quite and fucking kneels down. A real omega isn't such a shitty person as yourself. I do not like you attitude young man."

"Where's Lyn-z?"


Gerard's cheek still stings from where his mother had back handed him. He rubs it with his hoodie sleeve, glaring from the Sun after being inside for six days straight. The omega leading him out to the edge of the woods seems uncomfortable in front, so Gerard quickens his pace until he's walking next to him, his mother's glaze from the pack house burning through his back.

Where the hill the pack house sits on ends, it's about fifty yards before the square opens. A small group of about ten buildings lay in a loose circle, openings for paths that easy access. Restaurants and shops run by the betas. Cleaning services and the like run by the small group of omegas that didn't work at the pack house. Small one story houses speckle outside the square in neat rows.

People's heads turn when Gerard walks briskly through the middle way with the omega. He keeps his eyes ahead, counting the steps until the square ends.

The other omega seems extremely uncomfortable under their gazes, and moves quicker.


Bert stands at the end of the forest, causing Gerard to groan internally at what to come. The boy next to him nods once they reach about fifty yards from Bert and starts walking back.

"Wait!" Gerard yells, causing the younger to turn. He's small, shorter than Gerard. Brown hair frames his face and matches his light brown eyes, giving him a babyish appearance. "What's your name?"

He looks up, eyes big and lightless.

"I don't remember."

Mystery omega starts walking back and Gerard doesn't have the guts to go after him. The sixteen year old watches the child start walking back to the pack house with a slouch he hadn't noticed before.

Bert's hand on his shoulder causes Gerard to jump at least three feet in the air, grunting once he gets over the shock and ducking out from under his hand and turning quickly.

"Jumpy." He cackles, looking Gerard up and down like a piece of meat.

"Let's get this over with, Fucktard."

"You know I have every right to bend you over my knee and spank you." The taller wiggles his eyes brows and Gerard gags.

"You know you don't." Bert shrugs, grabbing Gerard tightly by the wrist and tugging him into the woods.

He trips multiple times, catching his footing and walking backwards to watch the tip of the pack house disappear through the foliage. Gerard huffs, tripping on a root and stumbling, causing black hair to cover his eyes like a veil before he falls.

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