I've got you brother

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Gerard hunts through the house, turning over cushions and crouching down low to the ground to look under the couches.

He's surprised the twins haven't come down by now, the ringing bouncing around the house with annoying chirps that bang and echo around in Gerard's head after each rhythmic clang.

It has to be a phone of some sorts, or maybe a ticking bomb. Either way, Gerard's looks for it with vulgar.

He wanders into the kitchen, fingers jumping along the wall paper as he drags his hand across the pasty surface.

Gerard's eyes climb between the bars of light that leek through the blinds, their white warmth stark against the rather static gold coloring of the house.

The house is cold, winter starting to settle into the valley. Its touch brings icy fire, turning the air cloudy against breath. Gerard shivers in the unheated home, imagining a dark bedroom.

A warm body wrapped around his naked form, the shadows of the fire dancing across the ceiling and lighting a white boyish smile. Turning the pair's skin flush under the sheets, from either the fire or each other's touch. Gerard wants to lean towards the latter. He rests his head against a silk pillow, smiling as Frank leans over to...

The omega shakes his head, the ringing bringing him back to harsh reality. Each chime stabs at his forehead, and he feels his stomach clench a bit.

The ringing has to be coming from somewhere in the vast kitchen. Gerard's slips between the tables and such around him, multiple stations made to make a feast for kings. Well, alphas.

Creeping along the outer edge, he pales as the ringing stops.

"No, no, no." Gerard mutters, running over to the light switch panel by the basement door. He slaps haphazardly at all the switches, feeling his excitement and intrigue quickly melt into the emptiness of lost hope.

The lights flicker on, so many bulbs in the ceiling they create a low hum of their own.

Then the ringing starts up again.

Gerard holds his breath, jerking like he had stepped on a uncovered wire. He runs quickly around the space, ripping open cabinets and pulling out drawers.

Empty. Empty. Empty.

Gerard yanks the last knob in the kitchen unit that ran the whole side of the room, marble giving way to sinks and holding up things like toasters and various empty jars.

He stares at the drawer's black interior, hand clenching the steel so tightly he's sure there would be marks left in his skin.

The omega slowly turns, leaning back so the wood drawer closes under his weight. His hazel eyes widen before narrowing again.

Gerard walks across the expanse of the kitchen, fists clenched at his side and knuckles white. He lets his hand rest against the basement door when he reaches it.

The ringing gets louder as he opens the door, flicking the big over head light on and creeping down the splintering stairs like an old ghost.

A chair sits a bit off to the left, an island in the middle of the empty space. Sits on top of it, a battery operated phone and some papers. A red light blinks with every beep the phone makes, taunting Gerard.

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