Goddam right, you should be scared of me pt.1

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Gerard walks on light feet. He's far enough into the forest he can no longer see the fight if he looks back, but howls and roars still echo back to him as they bounce around the trees.

The place seems familiar, tall pine trees reaching for the starless sky. He doesn't stop to ponder as he keeps going.

Gerard's chest burns, and he knows it's not from how long he's been walking. The piece that was stolen weeks ago caused a boat load of damage, chipping away until the pain drove him mad.

The thick trees break away into a clearing, a lonely pond under the full moon. A small indent is left in the dirt from a night he didn't want to remember. Gerard walks out of the trees, sitting on his haunches and licking his already wet nose. His paw prints dot the dirt behind him.

It's peaceful here, despite the faint noise. Ignoring the urge to howl, Gerard watches the fish swim slowly under the water's surface.

A twig snaps.

He turns quickly, yellow eyes wide as they meet familiar ones.

The blond wolf stands tall, strong. He walks closer, with the slight limp Gerard remembers from their last encounter.

They stay for a moment, before the bigger rolls over, tummy to the sky as he looks at the other upside down. His tail wags hesitantly.


Gerard leads as the blond Alpha limps in his path, much like a child would their father's steps at the beach. It's faster this way, considering it takes the latter longer to stomp over twigs and push and pull at the mud.

They move west without much reason, straying away from the fight. Gerard looks for other wolves, shelter, anything.

Part of him regrets not staying with the omegas, but the other half of him knows he has to keep moving. Gerard has to finally take action and fight for what he wants, because it definitely won't come easy.

They slowly twist through the trees, the fight getting louder. Gerard surveys the area from the tree line, a certain big black wolf no where to be found.

He huffs, knocking his head back to the alpha behind him and disappearing into the woods again.


Two black bodies merge together, growling and snapping without remorse. They roll around in the muddy surface of the woods, in some clearing that neither of them know the location of anymore.

One breaks away. He's the stocker of the two, muscles and veins bulging from his legs and built chest.

The other advances, a more compact build. The color of his coat matches the starless sky, shining in the moonlight with movement.

They barrel towards each other, eyes menacing.


Gerard follows a blind path, taking lefts and rights without thinking. He ignores the alpha behind him for the most part, giving a short bark when his route is questioned.

The Moon is fast on its path to meet the Earth, and he has to break ground as quick as possible.

Gerard can still hear the fight, strong as ever. If something doesn't happen soon, they'd have more than bodies to clean when the Sun comes. Rivaling packs were known to burn the others' forests down when they ran out of moonlight to kill.

No one was going to stop until an Alpha was dead, and that included Gerard.

A loud howl of pain catches his attention from ahead.



Yes I know everyone hates Tori right now because Tori gets a bit carried away with writing half a chapter and leaving huge cliff hangers because she's too lazy to write the whole damm thing.

That was a run on sentence but honestly I'm too lazy to fix it.

Anyway I hope you all are well.

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

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