It has to be so lonely, to be the only one who's holy

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"Do you guys have phones?" Gerard whispers one night, fingers twirling a loose thread in his blue pants. Mei shifts against his hip, turning towards him. He can't see her in the dark, the sounds of New York seeping through the brick of the apartment building and thrumming with Gerard's heart in his ears.

His eyes search in the black. Mei's breath against his face and her warmth against him the are cues she hasn't dissipated into the static Gerard sees when he squints too hard.

"No," she sighs, bandaged arm crinkling when she moves to flip some hair off her face.

She turns around again, Gerard's mouth opening and closing repeatedly as he grapples with a question to ask that wouldn't sound too intrusive.


Gerard pokes at his last few Cheerios with his spoon, watching them swirl. There used to be a T.V. in the corner of the kitchen, and the brackets on which it was fixed to the wall still stayed after Estella had presumedly taken it down. Bella and Ivory stare at the vacant corner like there's still something there. They, unlike Gerard, are comfortable living off no entertainment. Gerard almost wishes for something bad to happen, just to give him someone to mourn. His anger and self-pity had sat over him for too long, becoming mushy like over-ripe fruit and giving him nothing to mull over in his time at the apartment.

"Hey!" Bella snaps out of it, turning so quick towards Gerard she startles him. His spoon drops with a clang into his breakfast, and he watches the metal disappear under his now soggy cereal. "Your cough went away!"

Gerard shrugs, turning out of the breakfast bar and dumping his bowl in the sink. He had noticed the side effects of the drugs Bert had given him had started to wear off. He sunk back to his original weight, the cuts on his arms healing into smooth pale skin. Gerard's eyes stayed their same emotionless pools of brown-green-yellow though, and had been that way since he moved from L.A. If they would change back to their original bright, saucer-sized jewels, that would be the only change that mattered.

"Why doesn't she eat with us?" He asks, referring to Estella.

"You really don't know, do you?" Ivory says to Gerard's back, chewing her oatmeal like a cow. He looks out the window, hearing an unbelieving smile in her voice. "You're so uninformed, Gerard. Her kind doesn't eat our food."

"Her what?" Gerard turns, squinting at Bella and Ivory's smiling faces. He gulps under their stare, looking between them. Ivory leans over the counter towards Gerard, hair crazy and eyes too wide. She hits the side of her bowl with her hand and milk spills all over the counter.

"Vampires," she whispers. Gerard realizes he's talking to the insane.


Gerard spits into the sink, rinsing off his toothbrush and dropping it into the cup with the others'. He listens to the rest of the teens upstairs settle in, their footsteps creaking over the kitchen right where he stands. Gerard looks at his warped reflection in the toaster, his eyes huge in the image with the way the metal warps. His own stare glazes at him, that thick ring of yellow around his pupil too bright against his skin.

Vampires, he thinks, not a chance.

Turning out of the kitchen, Gerard walks towards the stares, bumping accidentally into the wine rack. He grunts, rubbing his side and continuing to bed.



To be honest I've been in a writing slump as of recent, even though I know exactly where I'm taking this story now.

How'd everyone like this short ass chapter? How's everyone's day? Thoughts? Predictions? You know the drill.

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

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