I'll miss the winter, a world of fragile things.

557 39 17

Timestamp: two months later.

Gerard swallows, the pill hitting sores that sit in his throat as it travels slowly to his uneven stomach. He opens his mouth and lifts his tongue to show Bert he'd let it go all the way down and into his system. The alpha hums, pocketing the bottle and walking out of the room. The door's lock clicks behind him.

Bandages litter Gerard's arms, his mouth sour and eyes heavy in their sockets. Bert had been trying for weeks, his patience wearing as nothing worked. No pill, serum, or vapor could kick Gerard into heat.

As time crawled by on shaking limbs, the omega's health had deteriorated, his body rejecting each foreign substance. Bert started to grown antsy, having to explain to his new pack where their presumed luna had gone, and why the two of them lacked an official mating.

Gerard lay hoping. He used to pray, back when his parents' death was fresh and the Christmas tree still sat in the house. He never thought he'd be shaken by the loss, as in his mind's perfect world, his heart was made of marble. Now, Gerard can't help but question what kind of people they were. Terrible, no doubt, but how terrible? Terrible enough to be murdered and hung upside down like pigs in the slaughterhouse? He isn't sure.

The ring on his left hand, fourth finger, sits uncomfortably. Metal digs into the fingers on either side of his skin, a fat rock he doesn't want to know the cost of sitting on top.

Standing, Gerard pulls his sweater over his exposed, thin arms, bandages crinkling and fabric itchy. His long hair sits at the back of his head in a nest, eye bags purple and cheeks sunken. The teen looks like he's two years into a heavy coke addiction, and he can feel it. This week's medication has thrust upon him a whole new, tasteful palet of side effects. Some Gerard hasn't even stumbled on yet.

Outside, the pack bustles away.


Bert puffs smoke, gray vapor bleeding and swirling into the air around his head. It forms into a demonic halo that spirals his relaxed form, wisps unfurling in the air and reaching towards Gerard where he sits at the other head of the large meeting table.

Bert's brothers stand behind his chair, flanking the former with stone expressions. Gerard breathes in heavily, itchy eyes unblinking and his stare harshly fixed upon the alpha's hazy yellow irises.

"It's not working," The older says into the abyss, ashing carelessly over his shoulder. Gerard watches the cigarette's debris dirty the carpet of his father's old office. The words get to him slow, rolling loud like marbles across the long wooden table between the two of them. He lets the small glass orbs settle before speaking.

"No shit," He spits out. Bert refrains from reprimanding the younger, taking another drag. Gerard prepares for the worst.

"We're moving you to a clinic in New York."


Gerard swallows, eyes tracking as Bert's brothers start moving towards him from their spots. He jumps a second before one can touch him, backing out of his chair so fast that it knocks over. The teen stumbles out of the room, not looking back even as his dead legs carry him across the front yard.

Panting, Gerard's arms swing like crazy to pull the rest of his crippled body forward. He moves on pure adrenaline, going on an otherwise empty tank. His feet forget the map of the forest he breaks into, catching roots and pulling him down into the ground. He persists, the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears mistaken for the footsteps of his pursuers.

Dirt cakes underneath his fingernails every time he pushes himself up back from the earth again. Gerard doesn't feel the hard ground when he falls on it for the fifth time. He does the sixth though, when his legs start to shake and his knees start to stutter under his weight. Gerard goes down for the last time, crawling with his arms as he pants into the yellow grass and moss.

He whines, dragging a bit more before his knee hits a rock to the right and pain shoots all the way up his leg and persists to settle in his head. Looking up, Gerard stutters, eyes growing wide like the moon of his first change. He lays on the edge of a clearing, relaxed arms out in front of him.

Trees spread around in clusters, but don't block the view before him. The shell of a large house sits upon the grass hill, beams of wood sticking up oddly from the earth. They're blackened at the tips, charred and dwindling off into the wind like the ash on Bert's cigarettes. When Gerard blinks, an image of the castle he had dreamt of projects for just a second on top its rubble. He can't move from his spot, a scream of terror caught somewhere behind the punching bag at the beginning of his throat. The realization never settles quite right, and Gerard still can't acknowledge the meaning behind the scene before him when Bert's brothers find him shaking in place on the ground ten minutes later.

They pick up his sore arms. One of the sleeves of us hoodie had torn during his run, revealing the ruined pale skin beneath. Gerard's head rolls back, unsupported as they drag him back into the woods.



Sorry I had such a weirdly long and unannounced hiatus. Things have been crazy with my family and school. But, now that I'm back into the swing of things I'm very excited to start up this story again.

How is everyone? How was this chapter? I know some people are often confused with this story so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

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