This is your last warning, a courtesy call

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Gerard slips into Lyn-z's room, holding his muddy clothes to himself and putting them on the dressing table. Wrapped in a pure white towel, Gerard leans down to his suitcase, which he brought in from his room.

Grabbing some sweats he leans heavily on the wall to get his shaking legs through the pants. Popping his head out of the shirt, the teen slowly sits down in front of his and Lyn-z's suitcases on the floor.

Opening the zebra print top, he sorts through the clothing and makeup inside, pulling out one of her over sized sweat shirts and struggling a bit to get his uncoordinated arms through it.

Gerard closes the lid and crawls up onto the bed, getting under her heavy purple comforter and laying down on the old clothes she had bundled up as a make shift pillow. He pushes his damp hair out of his face, breathing in deeply and closing his eyes.


The boy pants, black hair whipping behind him as he runs from the beast gaining. He needs to cross the border, a haven marked with nothing but scent.

Avoiding a lake and crashing through more trees, the teen can feel it closer, just some time longer.
But he can feel the beast right on his toes, grabbing at his arms and sharp claws ripping into skin.

Gerard wakes up panting, clutching his chest and listening to his heart thump rhythmically under his palm as he calms.

An icy feeling rolls over him, spreading down his back and making him shiver.

The Sun is half way through its embark for the day.
Gerard sighs, counting everything over in his head.

Two weeks had passed, and he's got two weeks more right until the full moon on the last day of the month.

Fourteen days to escape.

He lets his feet swing off the bed, letting go of the sheets as he gazes out the window looking over the east side of the forest. The trees thicken greatly, making a massive and intricate wall out until the horizon.

The window is far away, his muscles shaking heavily when he tries to lift himself up. Sighing, Gerard stays seated, looking through the window at an angle.

He can't see any life out there, but he knows the Iero pack has to be there somewhere, gathered in a tightly knit group and roaming between the dense trees.

Breaking away, Gerard picks up his sketch book from his bag at the end of the bed.


Loud thumps are heard on the stairs, down the hallway to the right, and outside the door right before it opens.

Bert stays silent in he door way, looking over Gerard as he jerks in his sleep. The younger's eye lids flutter and he turns into his side, his sketch book flipping off his chest and in between his arms.

Closing the door, Bert picks up the sketch book and drops it on the nightstand.

Gerard murmurs, twitching a bit before rolling to the far side of the bed, as if sensing the other's presence.

"Gerard." Bert hits his shoulder, the younger flinches, breath accelerating before he's sat up and sputtering over the edge of the bed and into the mid tone rug.

He takes a few ragged breaths, gripping the sheets and turning slowly to glare at Bert with all the hate he can sum into a look.

"Lessons. Come on." Bert growls, jerking his head and waking over to the other side of the bed. He picks Gerard up and throws him over his shoulder sloppily. The teen groans but does nothing else, letting his eyes slip shut as he's jostled all the way down to the dinning room.

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