It was lost in the corners of my mind, behind a box of reasons why

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Gerard groans, head throbbing just a little harder with every step he takes down the stairs. Fucking big houses with their fucking stairs. As soon as he becomes Luna, he notes to himself, he's campaigning for an elevator. Massaging the snitch in his side, Gerard slides into the kitchen.

He hip checks Ray in greeting, brushing through the betas that gather around the cook. She was a small omega, curly hair like the happy clouds that framed the sun on Mondays. Slicing pieces of meat with a butchers knife in one hand, she cracks an egg into the skillet with another. Gerard takes the plate someone hands him without having to wait in line. He mutters a thanks, holding his eggs and bacon to his chest and zooming into the den.

Ryan's already there with his own food, scarfing it down without utensils like someone was going to snatch it away.

"Mornin'." He says when Gerard snuggles into his side, lacing their legs together.

They crunch on bacon in sync., hair crazy and with the morning.


Gerard sighs, watching as Frank throws the discarded bandages into the trash behind his desk. Little pink slashes run all over his hands where glass had nestled down into his skin a week ago. The soles of his feet match, some small cuts still itchy with fading scabs.

Frank kneels before the couch, his forehead almost touching the omega's. He cradles the smaller hands in his own, thumb tracing the scars.

"My beauty is tainted." Gerard jokes drily, rocking back and forth nervously at the close contact. His skin prickles, stomach flipping against his spine and making his whole body rattle.

Frank lifts the hands to his lips, kissing each finger where the knuckles run. His lips are too warm, resting against Gerard's skin for an extra moment. Frank chuckles softly as the younger chokes on his own breath, pulling back for new air.

"Thank you."


Anthony stands at the front of the house with a clipboard, pointing with his pen; its cap wedged between his teeth. Frank sits on the front steps below him, murmuring with Ray and gesturing with his hands. Cans upon cans of gasoline are stacked towards their left, some extinguishers leaning against them.

Gerard talks with Ryan, the two of them trailing around the Way house with baskets on their hips. The dead grass is slopped into the ground, and their boots squish against it as they lean down to collect loose twigs and dry leaves. A fire hazard.

"So you disappeared after breakfast." Ryan trails off, eyes suggestive.

"Frank took off my bandages for me." Gerard mutters, inspecting a sodden stick. Its branches create a right angle, and he lines them up with the house. His face wrinkles up as he squints.

"Did he now?" Ryan smiles, his freshly cropped fringe falling over one eye as he leans down to pick up a twig.

"We sound like high schoolers." Gerard ignores the question, walking ahead in search of more rubbish. Ryan catches up.

"That's because we are high schoolers."

Gerard ignores that one too.

They come closer to the rest of the group, meandering around to the back of the house.


"'Aight." Frank says, pulling a box of matches out of his back pocket. The sun sits above them in the sky. About six hours to moon time. Gerard sighs at the thought, his skin taunt over bones and all jittery.

Frank stands in front of his huddled pack, match in hand. Gerard watches as he flicks it across the outside of the box with practiced ease. Flame dances around Frank's fingers as he drops it down to darknend grass, Anthony readying the extinguisher in his hands for any disaster.

Orange explodes up against the perfect line where someone had soaked the ground in gas, running up to the Way house and starting to eat at the stairs and door. Everyone around Gerard cheers, hurting his already throbbing head. He doesn't care, not anymore. Frank looks back to him smiling, eyes reflecting orange.

Gerard threads his fingers between Frank's, leaning against him and sighing when an arm drapes around his shoulders and squeezes. People cheer and dance behind the two of them, Gerard watching the house alright in a angry red and orange. The colors of blood and morning sun. When he looks up, Frank is already looking down. Gerard reaches a rough hand up, palm cradling his mate's and thumb brushing his cheek.

The alpha sighs, closing his eyes and letting their foreheads clink softly. Gerard lets his eyelids droop, breath slow and sweet. The two rock, Frank's hands warm and heavy as he moves them to Gerard's hips. They meet in a delicate kiss, Frank letting both his arms wrap around Gerard's waist and back. The younger hums, hands carding through the bleach blond sides of Frank's hair and lacing together at the back of his neck. Noise behind them ceases, the warmth of the fire seeping through their winter jackets.

"What made you realize?" He asks once they've come back apart again, eyes still closed and noses bumping.

"I think I've known for awhile." Gerard whispers back, blinking his eyes open and meeting dark hazel.

A clouded breath passes between the two, giving Gerard's head a moment to gather thought again.

"Well I love you too."

And he smiles.

They hold hands the entire walk to the McCracken pack house, once the Ways' has crumbled to ash and soot. They clean around the edges again, picking up sicks and leaves. The house is doused in gas, Gerard lighting the fire this time. He smiles big and bright, maybe just a bit relived as everything burns. Frank's hand doesn't leave his as the flames climb higher than the trees. Gerard's pack dances around them, animated and anxious as the sun droops. The flames pull down wood and fabrics, becoming more smoke than fire as it looses fuel. Everything quiets in the last seconds before the moon shows her beautiful face.


What'dya think?! *insert Simply Nailogical montage*


So. Thoughts on the chapter? Also, what are you guys being for Halloween?

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

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