Beam a light on me. I am a satellite, and I can't get back without you

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Gerard's eyes fly over the grass outside. Up through the dirt patches and out over the trees. Their dark branches stark against the morning sky.

The hallway was cold when he slipped out, and it still was. Betas running in smooth patterns against the path far below him and through the big window at the end of the corridor.

Gerard's robe slides down his shoulder, black silk that matched the aesthetic of the house. The warm deep gray tones and deep blood reds that he had once only seen in files or his mother's lessons. Now they unfolded around the boy, under his fingers and feet and around him.

They swarmed his vision with the darks he called home, different to the over powering gold of the one he never fit. They billowed in soft clouds. Bringing comfort in the smell of the forest that spread around their small clearing. The fresh pine smell from the walks in the thick forest when he'd check up on border patrol. Two gravely voices that tickled Gerard's spine.

He felt pride wash over him, watching his pack below, busy and alive with the Sun.

Arms wrapped around Gerard, sudden and warm and amazing.

"Come back to bed." Frank whispers against Gerard's neck where he ducks his head, strong arms around the younger's waist and slightly tugging him backwards. His voice is rough with sleep, and Gerard's would be too if he opened his mouth. But, he found he couldn't, letting himself be guided backwards blindly.

The big door of their bedroom opens silently and Gerard floats back, falling into bed next to Anthony and sighing as Frank sits down. The alpha closes the thick curtains around their four poster before laying down and wrapping himself around Gerard, breathing in deeply and dropping his heavy eye lids.


Gerard awakes with a start, gripping the blanket draped over him to his chest on instinct.

The room unfolds, golden hues bright and edges coming into sharp focus to create detail. He sighs, letting his cheek rest against the plush backing of the couch.


He takes a sharp breath, opening his tired eyes and turning at the sound of a voice.

Anthony smiles at his bewildered face, walking over to Gerard and sitting on the couch next to his legs.

He hands Gerard a yogurt, helping him sit up and going back inside the kitchen to grab a spoon.

Gerard scratches at foil top, dropping his head against the arm rest of the couch.

The light golden couch. In the golden house, shrouded in the morning golden sun.

He wished for darkness.

Anthony comes back in, smiling slightly still and sitting down across Gerard on the coffee table.

"Sorry about the living conditions. We're staying here until we can close everything, and set the place ablaze." Gerard nods, grabbing the spoon from the older and puncturing the yogurt lid.

"This must be weird for you." He shrugs.

"New pack. New family. New home in the near future." Gerard mumbles, swirling his spoon around the cup.

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