And They Said: "You Can't Wake, Up This Is Not A Dream"

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He runs, panting heavily. There's something behind him, in front, all around. Gerard's vision blurs and blacks out; fluttering. Safety is close, he can feel it dawn the horizon. Air whips behind and low groans can be heard. His lungs burn, the air sharp and cold.

Gerard sits up, panting and gasping for air. He keeps his eyes shut, knowing it's morning from the orange glow behind his eyelids. Some birds chirp on the window sill before flying off. Movement can be felt in the house as people busy themselves with breakfast and what likely could be important things. The blanket had fallen to Gerard's waist in the night. He sighs, rubbing his eyes with his fists and blinking them open.

"Nightmare?" Gerard shrieks, turning to the right side of the bed. Bert sits in his desk chair, which he pulled from under the desk from the other side of the room. He's dressed in some loose fitting blue jeans and a black t-shirt. It's more of a statement then a question, but Gerard nods anyway, shuffling to the far side of the bed.

"Your mother tells me you have trouble remembering the pack." Gerard stares at the door. "It's mandatory a Luna knows his pack, pack rules-"

"What if I don't like pack rules?" Gerard cuts him off, gripping his sheet.

"That explains why you think you can cut me off." Bert's voice is deadly. He gets up, leaving the chair where it is and walking out the door. He makes sure to slam closed as well.

It's then Gerard realizes his photo frame is gone.


The photo is gone, Gerard finds when be sneaks down the stairwell and peeks down under the dinner table. He knew he should have gotten it the first change he got, risking someone seeing him. Gerard could have had some power. It's not clear to him why he wanted the picture so badly in the first place, but that's a mute point in his mind. Sneaking back up the stairs, he pushes him self to the top floor, listening for snoring.

It's the third door on the right, five rooms down from his and across the hall. Gerard peeks his head into Lyn-z's room. The eighteen year old is spread out on her back, arms wide. He smiles despite himself at her crazy hair. Ignoring her loud snores, Gerard walks around the bed, going to the side
Lyn-z isn't on to lie down, snuffling up under her arm.

"Lyn..." He pokes her cheek. "Lynnnnn.." He pokes her cheek again. "Lynnnn-zzzzzz" Gerard whines, pulling on one of her messy pigtails, no doubt from the day before.

"Morning Geebee." She sighs, pulling him in closer and kissing him on the crown of his head. Gerard huffs, nuzzling into her chest and breathing in her scent deeply.

Not that he didn't know it by heart by now.

"I missed you." Lyn-z holds in an awe, smiling and hugging Gerard closer, feeling he younger boy relax. "It's gone."

"Hmm?" Lyn-z asks, starting to fall asleep.

"H-H-he took my photo frame." Gerard sniffs, closing his eyes and wrapping his legs around one of Lyn-z's. Her grip tightens around him.

"He..." She seethes. "Dare took...your only remembrance of home?" Gerard nods, tensing up.
"I can't believe he'd have the audacity to do something like that!" The younger boy in her arms whimpers.

Lyn-z blows through her nose slowly, try to calm for Gerard's sake.

"Please don't do anything." She shakes her head, hugging Gerard tighter.

"None of this is fair to you."


Gerard's not allowed a phone, or any means to communicate with his friends or brother. Mikey already had more power then him, and Gerard had been on Earth longer.

Goddam alphas.

They stay in Lyn-z's room, tucked under her gigantic dark purple comforter, that and her suitcase being the only thing distinguishing she had slept here. Her sheets left tucked over the bed like Gerard's.

Her room is almost exact same to his, although everything is mirrored, considering it's on the opposite side of the hall.

White walls are touched by paintings of fruit while the furniture, sheets, and drapes are all of the same rich caramel. It gives the room a wealthy feel.

There's a desk and vanity on two opposing sides in the corner of the wall by the door. Lamps sit on two bedside tables and a floral pattern rug gives the room dimension.

Gerard traces the purposeful paint strokes in the ceiling with a arm to the sky, fingers twisting in the air.

Loud thumps are heard from down the hallway, Lyn-z tightens her grip around Gerard and he hides his face in her neck instinctively.

Donna opens the door, looking down on Lyn-z.

"Come, Gerard. Lessons."


"You're going to be studying this," Donna smacks down a piece of lamented paper. "Every waking moment until you get it right."

Gerard looks down at the list, reading over the fine print that covers the poor piece of paper, more printer ink than clear space.

Names were listed in the a column on the left, then to the right were ranks, ages, roles, etc. Gerard looks over the page, skimming over until his eyes freeze on the last one.

Bob Bryar - Went against word of alpha. Is on trial to go lone. Ignore at all costs.


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