Secrets at Starling

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"Hey" I said walking over to Felicity. She had a big smile on her face. I smiled sheepishly at her. "I was serious about not being able to dance."

I smiled sheepishly at her. "I'll hold your hands, and sway?"

"Sold." She said with a smile. I grabbed her hand and she placed the other one around my neck. I may have been a great dancer on stage. But I was never able to walts with a girl without stepping on her feet. And Felicity was very pretty.

She reminded me a bit of Marley. A scarily smarter and blonder Marley. She's amazing. Her smile was infectious. She was probably the only girl who not only pays attention to my random drabbles and rants about some science related facts that I've come across. And probably the only one who responds back.

I danced with her a bit and I offered to get her a glass of champagne.

"Sure" she said then with a chuckle. "Just hope that Oliver doesn't tell the bar tender you're just a really tall sixteen year old."

"I think I'll be able to handle it." I said. I walked over to the bar and ordered two glasses of champaign. A blonde haired girl came up beside me.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded.

"I was going to come back to the tab..." I turned and found the McKinley Alumni. " I know you?"

I curse my inability to lie. But she knows Sebastian not Barry Allen.

"Sebastian Smythe."

"You must be mistaken." I stammered. "My name is Barry Allen."

"Don't think that I am falling for that." Quinn said crossing her arms. "Your lying skills have deteriorated."

"Look, I don't know who you're looking for." I said. "Or who you think I am but, I'm telling you now, you got the wrong guy."

"Well, then I want to tell you a story. I have a good friend." She said. "he has a group of brothers you know, they have this motto. Once a brother always a brother..."

"Once a Warbler, always a Warbler." I automatically corrected. She gave me this smug look and I groaned. "What are you doing here, Fabray."

"The Queens are old family friends." She explained. "What I need to know. Is what is the famous Sebastian Smythe doing impersonating another person."

"I am not impersonating."

"I'll have you know I am a lawyer."

"You're no older than a year older than me." I pointed out. "It's impossible to finish Law School that fast. Studying Law takes longer than Studying Medicine. I couldn't even get a doctorate yet. What more you and a law degree. Pre-law maybe."

"Fine, smart-ass." She said. "But I will call the police."

"I am Sebastian." I said. "But I was born under the name of Barry Allen."

"What makes you think I'll believe you." She demanded. "After all the bull shit that you've put us through. And what are you doing flirting with Felicity?"

"She invited me."

"I thought you were gay."

"Sebastian was gay."


I groaned. "Just ask Auntie Snixx. She knows more about this that you do. I have to get back to Felicity before she thinks that you and I have something going on."

"This conversation isn't over, Sebastian." She threatened. "If I find out you're lying."

"You can pull a Santana and go Lima Heights Adjacent on my ass," I interrupted. "But I assure you, I changed."

"People don't change."

"And you're the same careless, stupid and stereotypically bitchy girl that Puckerman got pregnant?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. She give a me a glare but she couldn't respond. "I thought so."

I walked over to the table where Felicity sat. She seemed to have noticed some of my conversation with Quinn.

"What was that all about?"

"She was an old rival." I said handing her the other glass. "So, are you bored yet?"

"A bit." She admitted. Then she realized what she said. "It's not you though, I'm just not one for formal parties."

I smiled. "It's okay. I was going to say that the scan was finished. And if you're willing we could go to the lab later after this party."

"We could go now." And we headed over to the lab. Before I returned to Central City.


I found myself studying the Vigilante's hideout while Felicity was out working in Queen Consolidated. I was there with Oliver's bodyguard Mr. Diggle while Oliver was out doing his

"So, Barry. I was meaning to ask you something."


"When I was looking into your records I noticed something." He said. "No High school records."

"I'm sure they're there somewhere." I said. "How else would I have graduated college?"

"Well, I saw you with young Ms. Fabray in Oliver's party." He said. "And according to Felicity, you said she was an old high school rival."

I stared at him knowing where this was going.

"So I used Felicity's facial recognition software and I found high school records that would fit your caliber of intellect. Under the name Sebastian Smythe."

I chuckled under my breath. "Yeah, that was me. You do know that what you're doing is bordering down right stalking right?"

"Why the name change though." He asked. "There was no record of a Sebastian Smythe before that time you attended high school."

"I was bullied a lot in my old school." I said. "And it got a bit too far, death threats, broken bones. Alan Smythe is my uncle and he gave me a chance to restart my life in safety."

"But in an all boy's school?"

"There was a zero tolerance bullying policy." I said. "It was fun though, those guys were like my brothers."

"But an all boy's school?"

"Hey don't discriminate." I said. "I am totally straight. And there are a lot of other kids who are straight who attended there too."

"really?" he asked. "I thought the stereotype of an all boys school was fifty percent of the kids there were gay."

"Oh, that's true." I said. "Four of my best friends are gay."

"And that's possible?"

"Hey, the straight guy can be friends with the gay guy." I said. "Why do you ask."

"I'm just looking out for Felicity." He said. "It would crush her if you turn out being gay."

"I'm as straight as an arrow." I said. "But you I know how to flirt with a guy though. But the one thing I hate with my experience with gay flirting, it's the groping."

I shuddered.

"What the hell?"

"Have you ever heard of the phrase, I'm straight but shit happens?"

"There's such thing?"

"Yeah," I said. "Heteroflexible people use this phrase a lot. My friends used to think I was heteroflexible and brought me to a lot of gay bars. It took me actually getting a girlfriend to convince them I was straight."

"Wow." He muttered.

"Hey guys!" Felicity said entering the hideout. "What have you guys been up to?"

"Nothing much." I said. "Just sharing some old high school stories."

"You've got to tell me these one day." She prompted. "I want to hear all about Nerdy Barry back in high school."

I shrugged. "It wasn't that interesting."

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