Moving On...

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The Ohio team insisted on spending the next few days together. And the second to the last night before they returned to their respective homes, we went out to the karaoke bar.

One thing that hasn't changed after the past few years, the guys are still crazy drunks, even Wes! But this time, I was sober enough to watch it. I couldn't get drunk anyways.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the only one who wasn't drunk was Kurt.

Kurt and I were amusingly watching Blaine, Trent, Nick and Jeff singing Spice Girls on stage.

"They are really out of it aren't they." I commented watching Jeff dance around suggestively.

"Very." Kurt said. "I'm just surprised that no one is kicking us out yet with how obnoxious they are being.

"Well, more than half of the other people here are drunk." I said noting that most of the people around us are laughing and playing around on their own. "Besides, at least the Warblers could sing no matter how drunk they are, the only thing that makes it obvious was the fact that they are dressed to gentlemanly to be dancing around like that."

"True." Kurt said, arranging Wes's head so he was sleeping on the table not falling off his chair. "Wait, how are you not drunk, you were pounding it just as much as these idiots."

Motioning to Thad who was cuddling with Clark who was sprouting nonsense about how he could see to the future.

"I have a pretty fast metabolism." I said. "And high alcohol tolerance."

"Uhm, I am sorry about- everything." Kurt apologized "With Iris..."

"It's okay." I said fumbling with the glass between my fingers. "She was bound to find out at some point. I just didn't expect it to happen when I finally admitted how I really felt about her." I chuckled bitterly. "I guess Karma's getting back at me for all those two years of being a big ass. Tease someone's love life and to get back at you you're becomes some screwed up soap opera."

"No," Kurt insisted grabbing my hand. "You will find someone Barry. Iris might be your first love. But she isn't going to be your last. Everyone deserves love, even the snarky little meerkat."

I chuckled. "And the princess does have to get what she wants right?"

"You bet." He said with a chuckle.

"Tell me though, I've been meaning to ask, what the hell does craigslist smell like?"

"I honestly don't know" Kurt said. "I ran out of stuff to insult you with."

I just laughed at him. He pouted.

"Hey, not everyone is as bitchy as you." Kurt said. "Though I have no idea how that happened considering how Barry is."

"I learned from the best." I said with a smirk he tilted his head to the side. "I spent a month in Paris with a strong willed and Santana like girl and a proud outed promiscuous gay guy."

"How does one month do all that damage?"

I shrugged. "I was in Paris, the city of love. And with only a handful people and a different name, sculpting a persona was easier."

"Wait, so you weren't kidding when you said you lived in Paris?" Kurt asked. "The city of love and light and all sorts of romance?"

"Yeah," I said. "My Aunt, my mom's brother's wife, came from Paris. And we went there on vacations."

"I've always wanted to go to Paris." Kurt practically squealed. "Is the Eiffel tower as beautiful as it is in the pictures, Have you been to the Louvre. Or seen the wonders of Paris' night life?"

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