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"Barry! If you can hear us give us a sign."

I could hear the Warblers looking for me. But I was trapped under soil and a large log. I groaned as I rubbed the back of my head. Nothing seems broken but the back of my head was a little sore.

I tried to push the log off my legs. I could hear their voices come closer.

I thought for a moment then placed two fingers at my lips and whistled loudly.

"Barry!" i could hear Thad say. I saw Hunter's face over the log.

"I found him! " he called out to the others. Hunter started to lift the log a little and it released some of the pressure pushing on my legs. But not enough to get my feet out of them.

It wasn't long until I saw the rest of their faces. Nick and Blaine started to help Hunter get the log off while Thad and Jeff were by my arms pulling me out.

"I don't get how you can get stuck under a log." Hunter said teasingly as they slowly got me out "I thought you were like some sort of supernatural being now."

"I have super speed, not super strength." I pointed out as we managed to get my legs out.

The three dropped the log and Hunter started to examine my leg.

"When did you become a doctor, Mr. Roid Rage." Thad asked teasingly

"I know first aid." Hunter said pointedly ignoring the insult. "Your ankle is twisted we should probably get you inside. Can you feel your feet at least? "

"Hell yeah," i groaned as pins and needles started to crawl down my legs "Just hold on."

I started to vibrate my legs a bit to help with the blood flow.

"That is still so cool." Nick said "Why didn't you ever tell us?"

"It never occurred to me to tell my friends that I became some mutated experiment after being struck by lightning."

"Oh." Nick said turning silent.

"I was meaning to tell you guys. But you know we never had the time."

"Come on." Thad said helping me up. My ankle seemed to have twisted a bit and I stumbled but Thad caught me before I faceplanted "We can interrogate you being some superhero later."

"You knew? " Jeff demanded as he supported my other side while we walked back to the campus.

"Of course, I knew." Thad said "I am surprised none of you noticed how much Barry was eating. He was eating almost three meals worth per meal. where as when we were in high school he didn't eat that much."

"We noticed but we weren't going to say anything."

"Half of us thought you were anorexic after you passed out on us."

"Seriously? "


"Anyways, so what's the superhero alter ego name then? "

"Figure it out." Barry said with a smirk.

"Oh my gosh are you guys okay? " Daryl exclaimed as he and Wes ran towards us.

"Just a sprained ankle." I said

"Good." Daryl said then glared at me. He took me by the ear and marched me back to the campus.


"Just what do you think you were doing running into danger like that! "

"Guys?" I asked "Help!"

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