Love Sick

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Marley's POV

Getting back together with Barry was like getting back to my old self. Not the bulimic insecure teenage girl, but the talented and confident girl that I was when I was around people I knew. There were a lot of distinct differences though.

Like, how now we are of course much older and more mature. We don't have those usual tutoring nights when either of us (usually me) doesn't understand a part of our lesson. And of course, nothing is really normal when you're dating the Flash.


It was a week after we got back together. And Barry seemed nervous as we returned to his apartment.

"Barry?" I asked "What's wrong."

He smiled sheepishly. "I'll tell you upstairs."

As soon as we got into the apartment I looked at him sternly and crossing my arms.

"Alright, now tell me what's wrong unless you want me to pull an Auntie Snixx on you."

He chuckled under his breath. He didn't look like he believed I could pull a Snixx, frankly I didn't think I could either. But I raised an eyebrow and he sighed.

"I can trust you right?"

"Of course you can." I said. "Just as long as you're not keeping something big from me."

"Well." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Please tell me you're not cheating on me." I said seriously. "I swear I told you..."

"No, it's not that." He said quickly. "I would never do that to you, to anyone."

"Okay" I said exhaling, not really realizing I was holding my breath. "So what's wrong?"

"Well, I may have forgotten to tell you, I was in a coma a few months ago."

"What?" I exclaimed. Then looking at him over. "Are you okay? What happened? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm fine." He insisted. "I was struck by lightning."

"That's impossible." I said. "If you were struck by lightning, how are you..."

"Alive?" he asked. "That is kind of the thing I want to tell you. It was weird, I don't know what happened, but the lightning changed me."


"Do you trust me?" he asked holding out his hand. I looked at him skeptically. But I placed my hand on his. And the next thing I knew. I was in his arms and I could feel the wind rush.

When it stopped, I stumbled on my feet but Barry had his hand on my arms keeping me balanced.

I gasped in amazement and laughed a bit. Barry looked at me with a small smile. "I am the Flash."

"How did this happen?"

"We aren't really sure."


"I've been working with S.T.A.R. Labs for the whole thing." He said. "It helps to have scientist better than I am in these situations, I don't know what would've happen if they weren't there."

"So this is where you go, when you suddenly disappear." I asked. "You save people."

"Pretty much."

"Well, what do I have to get mad at that?" I asked kissing him. "Thank you for telling me."

"Thank you for not freaking out."

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