Old Mentors

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The one thing that I love about studying in a boarding school was that the teachers live either abroad or near the school. And since I don't actually live in Ohio. I don't see any of my old mentors. Which is a sad thing I guess.

But sadly that doesn't apply to the McKinley Teachers.

I was in Jitters with Cisco and Caitlin who were both playing a game of chess. I had my eyes fixated on the board, Cisco just called check. And I was giving Caitlin a bit of help when I felt something on my ear.

It was a sharp pain.


I turned my head and I saw a woman in a tracksuit. She seemed oddly familiar but I can't seem to pinpoint it.

"Well, Meerkat, we'd like to have a word with you."

"Take your hands off him."

"It's okay guys." I reassured and winced as the tracksuit woman hardened her grip on my ear.

"Let's go, Whiskers." She pulled me ear causing me to tumble off the chair. And I was walking awkwardly towards a table on the other side of the room walking with my ear still on her hand like a wayward child.

She only released me when she dropped me by the table.

"Sue." woman's high pitched voice scolded. She helped me up. I have never seen her before. But she had these really kind big eyes that of a counselor. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I reassured getting back on my feet she dragged me to one of the seats. And I noticed a familiar face on the table, who was looking at the tracksuit woman with a slightly angry look. "Uh, Mr. Schuester right?"

"Yes, I'm sorry about that Sebastian." He said looking pointedly at Sue. "I was just talking to Sue and I recognized you. I didn't expect her to do what she did."

"Aren't you going to introduce us William?"

"Sebastian, this is Sue Sylvester and my wife Emma." Mr. Shue said. "Emma, Sue, this is..."

"Sebastian Smythe." I said. "Former Warbler Captain."

"Wait, I thought you said that this kid was the Male Santana." The tracksuit woman said. "He seems a lot more like Porcelain."

"Like hell am I anything like the Old Betty White."

"Okay, I like this kid." Sue said. "Except for the fact that I could still smell the over washed polyester and prep school smell."

"As if you're any better." I said. "How long are you going to keep up with the whole tracksuit get up. You honestly smell like sweat and desperation."

"Now look here twink." She said then paused. "That was actually a great come back. I got nothing."

"So, what brings you lot to Central City?" I asked. "Not that I mind of course."

"There's a Show Choir Competition here in Central City."

"The Song Bird Competition?" I asked. "Yeah I know about that, my friend Clark is the one organizing the whole thing. You're competing?"

"Two of the Glee clubs in McKinley are." Emma said proudly.

"Oh, I heard of that." I said. "McKinley became an Arts School."

"Why are you here?"

"I live here." I said. "Why do you think I went to a boarding school?"

"Then what is your relation to Alan Smythe?"

"He was my foster dad." I admitted.

"Wait, foster dad?" Emma asked.

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