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Summer was coming to an end, and Marley and I were in an airplane on our way back to Ohio.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who is not excited to come back home." Marley whispered. "I mean as much as I love my mom, Ohio can be a bit of a drawl after a while."

"Hey, to me Ohio was like a safe haven" I said holding her hand. "I was away from the bullies from Central City, I became a performer. I made friends with a ragtag team of unusual boys who have nothing in common other than the love for music. And..."

"And?" Marley asked looking at me as I stared into her eyes.

"And I met the most amazing girl" I said with a cheeky smile.

She playfully snorted and I kissed her cheek. With a smile.

When we landed we were greeted by Uncle Alan and Stacy.

"Barry!" she exclaimed bouncing over. "Marley! You guys are back together?"

"Yeah," Marley said wrapping an arm around my waist as I wrapped my arm around hers. "We are."

"Great!" she said enthusiastically. "I can't wait to bring you both back to McKinley. You are going to visit me right?"

"Anything for my Alma Matter." Marley said with a smile

"It's nice to see you again, Marley." Uncle Alan said as we greeted him. His brown hair was now streaked with a few white hairs, and a few wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. But other than that, my uncle looked like time had treated him nicely.

"You too, Mr. Smythe."

"So what's your plan?" Uncle Alan asked. "I'm sure this would be like one big reunion for the both of you."

"I'm going to Lima." Marley said. "I'm going to visit my mom. And I think Barry's headed to Dalton."

"I thought the reopening wasn't until Wednesday."

"It's not." I agreed. "But Thad said he had something to show us. So he had the Warblers old and new, come."

"What time?"

I gave a cheeky smile. "About thirty minutes ago."

"What?" Marley asked. "Are you kidding me?"

"Nope." I said. "But I texted Thad from the Airport that our flight was delayed."

"Fine." Marley said. "But you know you ah e to get there soon."

"I know." I said. "So let's get out of here."


I looked up at the majestic mansion. It looked a lot like how I remembered it. But the walls were not crawling with vines and the whole place looked very...new. But inside I knew it won't be long until it would look like a home.

The choir room was fuller than it was in a long time. There were some familiar faces and a few new ones. The oldest would've been a year or two older than Wes. So I had a feeling this wasn't the whole flock.

"You're late." Wes said from his place on the Council table. He wasn't in the middle. There were five seats instead of the usual three on the council table. And in the middle sat a man with sandy brown hair with brown eyes. Who I assumed was Wes' predecessor. Dave sat on his left side and beside him was Skylar.

"My flight was delayed."

"Of course."

"Take your seat, Warbler Sebastian." The head councilor said. He motioned to the seat beside Wes at the far right side of the council table.

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