I Want You Back

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Still Kurt's POV

"She died when I was eleven." Sebastian said. I studied the whole chart. It was intricate; it held so much detail and connected to so many different articles all leading to just one event. Sebastian must have been doing this for years. Especially with these newspapers dates way back.

"There was an intruder in our home. I saw something unnatural. A bolt of red and yellow lightning going around my house. The next thing I know, I was twenty blocks away from my house. No body believed me. They all thought I was defending my father. He was arrested that night. And I was thrown into foster care. But everyone heard in the news on how my dad was arrested."

"You were bullied."

"I was beat up." he said his tone angry. "For doing what I thought was right. I wasn't going to get pushed around not by anyone."

"Then what was with the constant flirting with Blaine, and the slushie."

"The Slushie was Sebastian lashing out." he said. As if Sebastian was a separate person all together "I'm not even gay. For all my life I was in love with one girl. I was in loved with my best friend. And now, she thinks I'm a monster."

"If you're not even gay, why were you being overly friendly with Blaine."

"Once a Warbler, Always a Warbler."

"I am not..."

"You are ignorant aren't you." He said his snark was back but it seemed a bit more like anger. "I was beat up. And Blaine was my friend who knew and could understand what I went through."


"I am sick and tired of being pushed around. And moving to Ohio, I had a chance to redo my life." he said "And you were the one who pushed me around and like hell was I going to let that slide."

"When did I ever do that" I asked affronted. "I never..."

"The first night I brought you and Blaine to Scandals." He cut off with his arms crossed then started speaking in a high pitched tone doing a very annoying imitation. "I am not sure who you think you are. But stay away from Blaine. He already has a boyfriend."

"But you were flirting and grinding on Blaine."

"Oh, god you are delusional." He said. "It's like you haven't been to Dalton. Or you're just a big prude. Being in an all boy's school, we tend to exchange innuendoes for fun. No one cares cus we all know it's a joke. I swear you have no idea how many times Jeff and Nick took out wigs and we went on Drag Queen Wednesday."

"I didn't want Blaine." He exclaimed. "I was in love with my best friend, who I lived with for years. I kept my bad side away for years. I grew up from it. And now she not only knows, but she learns it from someone who doesn't even give me the benefit of doubt."

His eyes were watering and he looked absolutely miserable. Then I knew. This man couldn't be Sebastian. Sebastian had been this apathetic boy in a uniform who didn't care for anyone. Or at least that's how I knew him. But this man in front of me was nothing more than a man who had experienced a lot of darkness.

I wrapped his arms around him. He fought me off. But it was half hearted. And I was as stubborn I didn't let go. After a while he stopped fighting, I patted his back as he sobbed with grief and loss. He felt like he was vibrating under my arms from his sobs.

I felt so guilty. Had I really done this to another person. Had I really saw someone in black and white that I pushed him away from the one of the few people who could possibly help him. Help him get better faster and know how it felt.

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