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Clark jumping on us caught both Santana and I off guard. But when we looked at his song choice. We were thankful it was a song we have done before. We performed the same song for Santana's audition tapes. But what had caught us off guard was May coming in.

"Santana!" she exclaimed. "There you are. We need your help."

"What's the problem?"

She looked at me skeptically then whispered the issue into Santana's ear.

"Oh, no." she looked at me. "I am sorry Bas, this is a real emergency."

"What happened?"

"Can't tell you." She said as May started to pull her away. "It's a girl emergency. Find Clark, you can do this!"

I don't know what happened. But I went to find Clark.

Clark was in hysterics. Especially when I went into the room without Santana.

"What happened?"

"An emergency with her team." I said

"Oh, no" Clark exclaimed. "There last team is about to go on. We don't have an intermission number, everything is a mess!"

I grab hold of his shoulders. "Calm down."

"Calm down?" he asked exasperated. "How in the world could I calm down. This is a disaster! This..."

"Is going to be fine." I insisted. "I'll do the intermission number. Without Santana."

"But the song..."

"Do you have a band?" I asked.


"Then let's go, I have an idea."


I was nervously fixing my collar as the last team finished. The things I do for these guys are seriously ridiculous. But then again, they'd do the same in a heartbeat. I was forced into a black button down with a pair of grey slacks. How they had managed to have clothes my size in hand is something I couldn't understand.

I looked over at Clark who had calmed down but still had frayed nerves. I gave him a thumbs up as the host climbed back on stage.

"Alright everyone!" he said. "That was a great performance. So we're going to take a little break. For now we have prepared a number. So enjoy."

The Host handed me the mic and I walked on stage as the band was setting up.

"Wow, this is a big crowd."

The audience laughed even when I wasn't trying to be funny.

"Alright, seeing as we are all a bit hyper right now, and we don't want to blow the roof of this place just yet, this first number we're going to slow it down a bit."

I put the mic on the mic stand and the band started to play.

When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

I wasn't looking at anyone in particular. But I could feel the audience could feel the dept of the song as much as I could.

I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

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