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Opening my eyes up to a very curious sight jolted me up, causing me to hit my forehead against the person who was staring down at me. Next thing I know the Rashomon was around my neck and slammed me against the white wall. I gasped for air, but the only thing I could do was breath in. I tried clawing at the Rashomon.

"R-Ryu-san," I choked, "S-top." Black started to cave in on my vision. The Rashomon released me and I fell to the floor gasping for air.

"How'd you get a bed in here?" Akutagawa narrowed his grey eyes at me.

"My," I gasped again, "ability." I crawled over to it and changed the comfy mattress back to the black mat.

"But you ate the bread and drank the water. Why not change those?"

"My ability only works for twenty four hours. It'll change back while in me. It's a good way to die, really." I was still taking deep breaths. "So, may I ask you something?"

"You may." He dead panned.

"Why did you choke me out with your ability?"

Akutagawa shrugged, "You hit my forehead. It was just a reaction."


"Enough. We have a lot to do today." He threw some clothes at me, "At least dress the part." Akutagawa looked at my outfit in disgust and shut the door behind himself, giving me privacy.

I could hear that strange cough as I slipped off my distressed band tee shirt and buttoned up a white, long-sleeved polo. I pulled up the black skinny jeans and to complete the outfit I put on the maroon trench coat. I left my shirt and black and white striped leggings in a pile on the mat. When I tried to open the door, I forgot it locks from the outside. Akutagawa must have heard me try to open it because he swung the door opened and held out a hair tie for me. I put up as much hair as I could and let the shorter pieces frame my face in the front. He lead me to his desk and began doing work without a word. Sighing, I pulled over a chair and got comfy. I began to lose track of time.

"What happened to your neck, princess?" Chuuya's degrading tone wasn't appreciated.

I whipped around in the chair, "Listen here, you-" I was cut off by the same thing that choked me before. Pointing I attempted to say, "This."

Chuuya chuckled and walked away and Akutagawa let go of me. To hide my tears, I turned into my cat form and curled up in the chair. The tears still stung in the corner of my eyes. I tried wiping them away with my paws. A pale hand was placed between my paws and face.

"Stop fidgeting you're being annoying."

I pushed Akutagawa's hand away and faced the other way.

He let out a heavy sigh, "If you're really that mad about this morning that just makes you weak." He picked me up and placed me on the desk. "No subordinate of mine will be weak, got it?" Akutagawa narrowed his soulless eyes at me.

I nodded and jumped back down to my chair. Is this some sort of hazing or does he actually hate me for some reason? I should have just let him kill me... I changed my chair into a red velvet throne and waited for a reprimand. Huh? Nothing? I changed back into my human state and crossed one leg over the other.

"Why are you trying to get my attention?" He didn't stop typing. After pinching the bridge of his nose and looking up into space, He stood. "Come on, we're going out."

I decided to stay silent as we got into another black van. We were dropped off at a tea house in the middle of the city. A blonde woman in a suit perked up when she saw Akutagawa. Her happiness quickly faded when she saw me behind him.

"Akutagawa-senpai, who's that?" The woman looked me up and down as I sat down next to Akutagawa.

A long sigh escaped his mouth. "You know I hate it when you ask me questions before we've discussed the business at hand."

While he was talking, I changed the tabletop from a honey wood color to a cherry wood color. I watched the blonde do a double take at the table. She stumbled across her words as she tried to reply. Akutagawa trailed off whatever they had to discuss and angrily stared at the woman.

"Higuchi, are you even listening to me?" Akutagawa reached for the tea that was placed in front of him. "I hate repeating myself."

"Sorry, Akutagawa-senpai..." The woman of the name Higuchi muttered. She redirected her full attention to Akutagawa.

I took that opportunity to grab my tea cup and change it from white to a nice navy blue while drinking out of it. Higuchi's eyes widened and quickly looked at her own cup. Once again, she fumbled around with what she was trying to say because her focus was somewhere else: me. Chuckling to myself I looked out the window: that is, until I hear a sharp slap.

"Listen!" Akutagawa shouted as I watched the woman's sunglasses fall to the ground. A pink hand mark was on her cheek. He coughed a bit and looked down at the table. I avoided eye contact as he wiped his head around. "Change. It. Back."

"Y-yes, s-" The Rashomon cut me off; wrapping around my head covering my mouth. With a touch of my finger, the table changed back. I changed back the cup as well. Higuchi stared at the scene- shocked.

"Meet The Mad Hatter." Akutagawa stated. "My new subordinate."

"What?" Higuchi wanted to be angry, but restrained herself. "You sent me to spy on Armed Detective Agency, but you go out and capture another gifted?"

"Is that a problem with you, Higuchi?"

The Rashomon let go of me.

Her face fell, "No."

"Good." Akutagawa stood while letting out a cough. "I'll have those files that we discussed on your desk by the end of the night. I'll keep you updated on the hatter situation. Isn't that right, Aliceina?"

"Right, Ryunosuke-san." I looked at the ground.

We got back into the car. As it took a sharp turn, I hit my head against the window.

"Damn, where are we-"

"Be quiet and stay here." Akutagawa slammed the car door in my face.

"So," I leaned over the seat to the driver, "do you want to maybe drive me to the-" A gun in my face cut me off. "Bus... stop?" I squeaked.

"Didn't you hear the boss, princess? Shut up and stay here."

I puffed out my cheeks while sitting back down. "I'm not a fucking princess. I've been kidnapped by the mafia and I'm been choked, threatened, and almost cut in half by that small martial artist." I muttered to myself. "A princess would be treated no such way." I was sitting upside down in my seat as the door slammed shut and the car sped away. "Whoa! Hey!" I shouted while turning myself the right way round and buckling. "So-" I cut myself off when I saw Akutagawa's current state.

"Who do you think I am? This isn't my blood." Akutagawa coughed. "Stop staring or you'll lose your eyes too."

"Duly noted." 

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