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Chuuya and I stared at each other in some sort of respectful disgust. Blood dripped from various places on my body as I panted. Chuuya's usual cocky smirk was plastered across his face. Akutagawa didn't want to train with me until I was a worthy opponent. So Chuuya, wanting to see what I can do with my ability, gladly volunteered. I couldn't help but wonder if he also wanted revenge for making him a foot tall.

"It's only been two hours of training. Tired already?" He asked.

"I told you: I'm not built for combat. I'm stealthy." I was still trying to catch my breath from the most recent time Chuuya kicked me into the concrete wall.

"Stealthy?" Chuuya chuckled, "Princess, you couldn't get by me if you tired."

"Again with the princess thing..." I looked down at my ripped and blood stained outfit. I guess it was a good thing Akutagawa forced me to change my clothes back to what I was wearing before training. God forbid Chuuya to stab a hole through those nice clothes. My eyes scanned the room. "You know something, Chuuya?"

"Eh? What?" He cautiously watched me back up.

"Check mate." I smirked- a bloody one- and stomped my foot on the ground. The floor grew as I shrunk.

Chuuya had a red aura to him as he charged at the raised flooring.

Shit, shit, shit, just a little further. I stared up at the air vent. Cracking was all I heard underneath me as Chuuya's fist connected with the raised floor. As the tower that I created crumbled beneath me, I jumped, turned my full size, and dangled from the air vent.

Chuuya chuckled, "What was that about 'checkmate'?"

As he spoke, the vent was shifting due to my weight on it. My body ached to move, but it was so beaten and bruised, I couldn't force myself to do anything. The air vent broke off from its hinges and all I could do was fall to all the rubble below. My back connected with the concrete floor and bits of my tower- I couldn't breath. Hot, red, liquid was oozing from my back- I still couldn't breath. Shakily, my hand reached out for nothing.

"Aliceina? Can you hear?"

The orange haired man stood over me. His lips moved more, but nothing was registering. My mouth opened, yet only a gasp was let out. Letting my eyes flutter shut, I could only hope that the sweet release of death would take me.

When I dared open my eyes again, my earthly body felt heavy; unwilling to let my soul go. I saw a white ceiling to a room I've never been in before. To my right was a monitoring system of sorts. To my left: an angry looking Akutagawa.

"Pathetic." He stated before leaving the room.

I rolled my eyes. I'm alive. Or I'm in hell. Same thing. A strange woman hovered over me with a clipboard.

"Aliceina? Can you hear now?"

I nodded.

"Can you try to speak?"

"Yes." My voice came out raspy and strained.

"Good." She undid the straps keeping my limbs in place. "Can you move?"

Pain shot through my body as I slowly sat up. My face contorted, but I managed. As I settled into my seated position, a shock went through my back causing me to sit up straight instead of my usual hunched posture.

"Oh, you'll have to refrain from hunching over like that until all the stitches have healed. You'll rip them back open sitting like that."

"Thanks Doc." I muttered. "So, am I clear to go back to my cage?"

"Cage?" She questioned.

I weakly waved my hand at her, "Nevermind. Can someone bring me back to my room? I don't know how to get there. I'm not the best with remembering directions."

"Of course." Her tone was gentle as she helped me down from the bed. "Let me just-" the Doctor cut herself off as she opened the door.

Akutagawa was standing there, waiting, across the hall. "Are you done, yet?" He asked harshly.

"Y-Yeah." I stated while going into the hallway.

"Well then walk like you are."

Sharp pains went up my spine again as his hands connected with my back. I yelled out, hurt. The look in his eye when I whipped my head around to yell at him told me he didn't care. Sighing, I fell in pace next to him.

"How did that happen?" Akutagawa's voice broke the awkward silence.

"I made the floor grow, lifting me up towards an air vent. He punched it before I could climb up so I held on and it broke off it's hinges. I fell on my back." I told the story with a shrug.

"You were trying to escape?" He asked sternly.

"No, I told Chuuya that I was stealthy. So, he told me that I could never get passed him. Obviously I wasn't going to back down from a challenge." As I continued talking, I got more comfortable.


"So, are you ever going to show me around or actually give me my own apartm-"

The Rashomon wrapped around my body so I couldn't move my arms. Akutagawa pulled me close to him.

"Don't act comfortable with me." The Rashomon got tighter as he spoke. "Are we clear?"

"Crystal." I squeaked. I let out a groan as he let me go. My eyes lit up as we came to a familiar hallway. I knew where we were and my room was the third on the left.

"Get dressed. You have work to do."

I mimicked his order quietly to myself as I closed the door behind me. Trying to button my shirt was a pain. It was so form fitting, it rubbed up against my stitches. Sighing, I just buttoned it enough to cover my bra and then I tied the two sides together to keep the rest of the fabric off of my back. I carefully slipped the maroon coat on. I kicked at the door while I was putting my hair up.

"No." Was the first thing out of his mouth when he opened the door for me.

"I couldn't button it anymore. It's ripping at the stitches." I explained.

"I don't care. Fix it." Akutagawa demanded.

A long, sad sigh let my mouth as I took the shirt between my hands. I whimpered a bit while trying to line up the button with the hole. I heard a scoff escape between Akutagawa's lips. He hit my hands away and grabbed my shirt.

"Have you even buttoned a shirt before? You're more pathetic than I thought."

I tensed, waiting for sharp pains to come from my stitches. Yet, I felt no pain. I looked at Akutagawa's furrowed brow as he skillfully buttoned my shirt to his liking. I looked away before he caught me.

"Now, come on."

I stared at him as he walked away, "Um, right."

He sat me down with Chuuya, filling out forms about me. My fighting style, my stamina, my ability in general. After two hours of boring paperwork and getting yelled at by Chuuya to stop changing the color of the paper, we finally finished.

"Hey," He nudged me while bringing me back to my room after dropping the documents off, "that's was a pretty quick bounce back. You were only in surgery for an hour and now you're working?"

I shrugged, "I didn't really have a choice." I let out a strained chuckle, "I'd much rather be sleeping."

"We're training the same time tomorrow. Don't get hit as much as you did today." Chuuya stated while opening up my door.

I flipped him off, turned into my cat form, and curled up on the black mat.  

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