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The man over me made my heart go into overdrive. Was this fight or was this flight? Akutagawa was using Rashmon to pin me to the concrete floor of the training area. He stood over me looking down at me; daring me to do something. His expression was almost bored as I just stared up at him.

"Ali, do something." Rashomon tightened it's grip on my wrists.

"Let me think this through for a second." I stated.

"You'd be dead by now." Akutagawa said back sharply.

"Thanks, Sherlock." I sighed, "This is why we're training. So I don't have to think when something like this happens on a mission." I decided it would be best to explain my train of thought. "You see, I could temporarily get out of Rashomon's grasp if I turned into a cat. But, Rashomon is much faster than I am. So, I'd only be free for a short amount of time."

"Then get faster." Akutagawa commanded. "Try escaping by using your cat form."

I let out a long exaggerated sigh, "If you insist." While transforming, I tried to make it so I would land on my feet for a faster getaway. Unfortunately, I was lifted into the air and face to furry face with Akutagawa.

"Do it again."

After being pinned to the floor, transforming only to be caught again, and going back to being pinned for an hour, Akutagawa got annoyed with me. Rashomon wrapped around my waist and helped me up.

"I'm tired of this. Let's get lunch." Akutagawa said.

"I could go for some food." I stated as he grabbed my hand and took me the long way towards the garage.

We weaved in and out of areas I've never seen before. Akutagawa also brought me around the information area, we walked by Chuuya's office, and we took our time walking by Black Lizard's area. I chuckled quietly to myself when I realized what he was doing. Tachihara gave me a confused look. I raised my eyebrows and gave him a small eye roll as if to say: what can you do?

Once we got into the tea shop, everyone's eyes were on us. I couldn't tell if they were looking at us with fear or at me with pity. Nevertheless, I pulled myself closer to him and held onto his bicep with my other hand.

"They're staring." I whispered.

"Let them." He stated smugly.

We got a table and ordered the food. I scarfed down all my food in no time- I hadn't eaten in at least two days considering I was out cold for a day after the Black Swan incident.

"Now people are staring because you're eating like a pig." Akutagawa stated quietly.

"Yeah?" I put my fork down. "Well, I'm tired from training and I haven't eaten in like two days. Let them stare." I waved my hand dismissively.

"Tired?" He raised brow at me.

"Please, can we not do this here?" Dramatically, I draped the upper half of my body on the table.

"Don't make a scene."

"Embarrassed of me, Aku?" I teased while pulling myself back up straight.

"Why are you referring to me by my last name now? You never did it when we first met like a proper human." Akutagawa asked.

I tilted my head. "What?"

"Surely you know proper name etiquette." Akutagawa stated. "Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Surname, first name. Kingsley Aliceina. Surname, first name." He shook his head at my blank expression. "That's why you were saying Ryunosuke. You really are stupid sometimes." His voice was lighthearted.

"No, I'm just European. You do it backwards here." I shrugged off my embarrassment. "What should I call you then?"

"Akutagawa would be proper." He stated.

"Why don't you address me by my last name if it's proper?"

Akutagawa took a sip of tea, "You want me to call you Kingsley?"

I cringed, "Please don't."

"That's what I thought." He placed the cup down.

"Hey, Akutagawa?"


"Why?" I asked. "Why am I a weakness? I don't understand why someone as respectable and powerful as you would even have enough interest in me to steal me off of the streets. There's nothing special about me and my power can only be used for destruction or mischief."

Akutagawa looked around. "Let's not discuss this now, Aliceina. I understand my actions haven't been orthodox for this situation, if there even is a normal way for this." He shook his head, "I liked it better when you hated me."

I chuckled, "I never fully hated you. You couldn't even imagine how exciting it was for me to be pursued by someone like you. The great Port Mafia wants a lowly English girl?" I laughed again, "What a riot. I knew about you guys before you've ever heard of me. I looked up to you guys. I admired your perseverance. Akutagawa, you're-"

"Aliceina, please. Not now."

I smirked, "Fine, fine."

"I don't need your compliments."

"Uh-huh. Of course not." I nodded.

"Are you taking me for a fool?"

I waved my hand dismissively, "No, no, of course not." I changed the table color to hot pink. He glared at me, but I continued my antics. "You know what?" I placed my hand over his, just barely touching his coat. "You need more cheeriness in your life." His coat was now a bright yellow color. "You're so-"

He yanked me out of my seat. "We're going back to the apartment. Now." Akutagawa growled between gritted teeth.

"Oh, so rough." I chuckled while stumbling over my feet to keep up with his fast pace. "If you wanted me to change it back, you should have just said so."

"What I want is for you to behave like an adult."

"Do you know what I want, Aku?"

"I don't care what you want."

"Yes you do." I held onto his hand tightly as he drove us back to his apartment. "And I want you to tell me that. I want you to tell me exactly how you feel about me. I want to know how you've felt about me from the minute you picked me up."

"This is such a waste of your time." Akutagawa grumbled, "All of it. You think just because you threw a mission to try and save me that automatically makes me have to give you what you want?"

"I didn't throw the mission!" I protested while changing his coat back. "I saved you, Chuuya got the documents back, and you killed Blake. Mission a-fucking-ccomplished." Letting go of his hand, I sighed and got out of the car. "You're impossible."

"Shut up." He muttered while grabbing my hand again.

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