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2516 was the number in front of me. I brought my hand up to the door and knocked. Sure, it was five in the morning. Sure, it took me two hours to find the building. But, I had a feeling he wouldn't care. After waiting a bit, I knocked harder.

"Tachihara-san! I know you're home!" I yelled.

"Pipe down! I was sleeping." I heard Tachihara walking closer to the door.

"Shut up and let me in." I stated.

"Aliceina?" He threw the door open. "Oh my god." Tachihara yanked me into his apartment by my good arm and slammed the door shut. "How did you even manage to get out? What happened to your arm? You're wired aren't you? Someone is following you, aren't they?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"It's just me in a sling." I shrugged one shoulder.

"How did you escape?"

"I'll need to talk to Chuuya about that when we get to work." I stated. "My apartment is locked and I can't get in. I was looking for this building for two hours. Can I please just get some sleep?"

"Of course." He led me into the living room area.

I lay down on the couch and let out a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm... happy."

Tachihara chuckled, "Welcome home, Queen."

The kind Black Lizard Commander let me sleep in a bit. It was around nine when we got to Port Mafia and considering it's just a few blocks over- I got some real sleep. Although, the dark purple bags under my eyes told a different story. Tachihara led me to his desk and told me he'd call for Chuuya when he gets in. I took that opportunity to curl up on his desk and take another nap in my cat form so that my shoulder wouldn't hurt. I awoke to the feeling of someone petting me.


I opened my eyes and looked at Tachihara. I meowed at him. He pointed with the hand that wasn't on my head. Looking over, I saw a very angry looking Chuuya. I hissed before changing back.

"What's that stupid face for?" I frowned. "I'm back no thanks to you."

"Come on." Chuuya grabbed my wrist and yanked me to his office. After slamming the door behind us, Chuuya did something I never thought he was capable of doing unless drunk. He hugged me. "You had me worried."

"You almost got me killed because of that deal." I stated into the bone crushing hug. "And you're hurting my shoulder."

"Sorry." He muttered while letting go.

"Chuuya, I have to tell you how I got away." I hesitantly spoke.

"You told him everything about your ability."

I furrowed my brow, "How-"

"Those were the files he wanted." Chuuya explained. "The Agency has information about most ability users in the area. Even some from other countries. It makes it easier for them to defend against you." He thought for a second, "And that bandage wasting device pulling a knife on you wasn't my fault. It was Akutagawa's fault. He's the one that insisted on coming to get you."

"I don't care whose fault it was my shoulder is dislocated because neither of you even tried to fight for me." I huffed.

"That's because that was stupid of you." Chuuya stood up straighter. "Dazai isn't someone that someone of your ability should be trying to fight against. That's why you left the fight with a dislocated shoulder and a footprint on your back and he only had a bite mark on his hand."

"At least he had the bite mark because everyone knows neither of you were going to do anything to Dazai-san!" I got in his face, "I was trying to go back home with you idiots!"

Chuuya just stared at me.

I groaned in frustration while trusting my hand up to the ceiling, "Obviously you guys didn't want me back as much as I thought you did! Raven was right..." I trailed, "Honestly, fuck you." I spat while turning so he couldn't see my tears.

"What did Raven say?" Chuuya's voice was soft.

"That you guys would use me and abuse me until you were done with me and then throw me to the curb." I stated slowly, trying not to have my voice shake from the sobbing I was holding back.

"Can you look at me?"

I turned, but kept my hair over my eyes.

"We're not going to get rid of you, Aliceina. You're a mafia member. You're part of this organization. Okay? Don't quibble over every little thing. Now wipe those tears and let's find Akutagawa so you can report back to him." Chuuya shut his door behind me as we set off to find my superior.

"Akutagawa, I have something for you." Chuuya knocked on the door to his office before entering.

"What is it?" Akutagawa said in an uninterested tone.

"Me." I stepped forward.

His eyes widened, "Aliceina? How did you...?"

"I told Dazai-san about my ability." I muttered.

"Thank you, Chuuya." Akutagawa dismissed him.

Chuuya closed the door behind him and my stomach dropped as I looked at my superior. He had his usual scowl plastered across his face.

"Are you stupid?" Akutagawa growled. "Telling him about your ability is the worst thing you could have done! Now he knows your weaknesses and there's a lot."

"Well excuse me for trying to make it back here in one piece!" I slammed my hand on his desk. "I-"

Akutagawa stood, "Are you challenging me, Aliceina?" He glared daggers at me.

"I do everything for you. I do everything you ask. The least I can get is a little sympathy. Or even just a oh how's your shoulder? But no. I get your unappreciative ass."

Akutagawa yanked me towards him by my shirt. "I will not be spoken to that way." He stated in a low warning tone.

"Too bad." I said behind gritted teeth, "I already did. Now, since you don't care about me, can I go get back to work?"

He shoved me back, "Get out." Akutagawa practically yelled.

"Gladly!" I slammed the door shut.  

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