Deleted scenes

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"Chuuya-chan!" I barged into his office while waiting for Akutagawa to finish the report. I hopped up onto his desk. "What's up?"

"You tell me, you're the one coming in here all bloody." Chuuya sat back in his chair.

"Your favorite couple is going out tonight." I grinned.

"Oh? Dazai and a rope?"

"Second favorite."

"Me and my wine?"

I groaned, frustrated. "Nii-san!"

"I'm joking. No need to pull the Nii-san card out on me." Chuuya laughed and held onto my ankles. "Where are you and Akutagawa going?"

"That really pretty restaurant downtown that I like. The one with the velvet red chairs and the chandeliers. The low-lighting is so beautiful when it bounces around off of the crystals." I sighed whimsically. "I'll wear that red dress that I had to wear on that mission with you and-"

"I told you to get rid of that dress." Chuuya stopped me dead. "It's too revealing. You're only twenty."

"Almost twenty-one." I interjected. 


I chuckled, "There are just some things people don't need to understand. Bye, Dazai." I went home after that. I wanted to rest and Akutagawa would be home after work anyway. Although, the man sprawled out on the couch was a much more refreshing sight than sleep. "Aku, wake up." I said as I closed the front door. His black jacket was up on the coat rack. "Babe." I stated a little louder. When I went over to shake him, he grabbed onto my hand and pulled me into him.

"I love you, too."

Putting my hands on his chest, I stared at him. "Did you just-"

"Don't make me say it again." Akutagawa tried sounding intimidating, but there was a pink dusting on his face that said something different.

"Aw." I poked at his cheek.

"Ali." He warned.

I chuckled, "You're my favorite thing. You know that?"

That's when he broke the eye contact.


"Akutagawa what are we doing?" I asked while preparing dinner for us.

"Eh?" He came into the kitchen. "What's the problem? Are you not happy?"

"No, no it's not that." I shrugged while checking on the food. "I don't know. I'm sorry. I'll drop it." Something brushed up against my cheek. Jumping, I saw a Rashomon head. It nudged me again. Chuckling, I pat his head. "I'm fine, Aku." I stated while looking across the room at him. Rashomon wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to Akutagawa until I was in his arms. "Aku~" I chuckled, "I'm going to burn dinner."

"I don't care, something is bothering you. Whoever it is I'll kill him."

"I wouldn't want you to kill yourself or me."

He frowned, "What did I do?" Akutagawa snapped.

"First, you're yelling. Second, nothing. Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm just a little insecure. But I know I shouldn't be. Now, let me get the food out of the oven."

"No," He held me tighter, "I-" He cut himself off when I disappeared. "Ali..." He trailed watching my cat form trot across the kitchen floor.

I popped back up in front of the oven.

"I'm trying very hard not to get angry."

"And you're doing a great job."


"There's a slight flaw in your plan." Akutagawa stated. "How do you get home from headquarters?"

"It's right over... uh, well wait that's not fair we just moved!" I pouted.

"I'll report to him, just wait for me at headquarters." Akutagawa reasoned. "Should you even be driving our exit is next and you're in the far right lane."

"I hate you."

"I hate you, too."


I let out a happy chuckle as we drove away from the scene. Akutagawa let out a few coughs before taking my hand that wasn't holding onto the steering wheel. We were both a little bloody, but that didn't matter- it wasn't our blood anyway.

"It's been a year and you still don't listen to me." Akutagawa let out a content sigh.

I laughed again. "Oh come on, I made it more fun." A gunshot hit the van and I swerved. "Shit!" I cursed. "I thought I killed everyone..." I grumbled. "Those are definitely the guys you went after."

"Are you implying I'm weak?" Akutagawa mused.

"I don't know, am I?"

Akutagawa opened the sunroof and let Rashomon go berzerk on the car tailing us. Tires screeched, people screamed, and glass shattered. He quickly gazed out the rear-view mirror. When I saw that little half smirk on curling up on his face, I couldn't help myself. I quickly pecked his cheek, only to have him push me away.

"Eyes on the road, Ali." He stated while closing the sunroof. "How many times do I have to telling you not to do that when I'm not expecting it?"

"Obviously more than you already have."
"And why don't I like it when you do that when we're out?"

"Because you look weak when you blush." I stated playfully. "No one can know that Akutagawa Ryunosuke has feelings. Feelings are a weakness. Akutagawa Ryunosuke is not weak."

"Okay, okay, I get it." A small cough let his mouth.

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