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I furrowed my brow at the man in front of me. "Tachihara-san? What are you doing here? You're not stupid enough to come on your own, are you?"

"That farm boy threw my back up out the window." Tachihara huffed.

"Why did you come here?" I repeated.

"Chuuya told me to..." Tachihara trailed. "I thought maybe I could get you out of here."

"Chuuya didn't want to get her himself?" Dazai piped up, "Chuuya..." He looked me over. "You look a lot like him. Short, red-haired, blue eyed, short-tempered: are you guys related?"

I scoffed, "Dazai-san, what do you think this is? A movie? Chuuya is not my long lost brother."

"Not even a cousin or anything?"

"My father and mother were northern European. My father went on a journey around the world on a business venture and never returned. My mother died of an illness. There's no way."

Dazai pouted, "You're no fun."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I've been told."

"Alright," Dazai turned to Tachihara, "now that you know she's alive and we intend of keeping her that way you can go."


"Or would you like Kenji to show you out?"

"I'll be back for her." Tachihara snatched his gun from Dazai and stomped out of the room.

"So, Aliceina would you like a bandage for your legs before we start or-?"

"Shut up and just do whatever it is you want with me." I growled.

"I keep telling you I just want to talk." Dazai stated lightheartedly. "Do you have any idea why the mafia wants you?"

"The Mad Hatter."

Dazai furrowed his brow, "I thought they dubbed you The Red Queen?"

"They did, only after I committed my first murder for them. The Mad Hatter is the full potential of my ability. It'll leave people crazy for as little as a week to as long as a lifetime."


"They'll hallucinate indefinitely. The first hour it's actually happening, but after that hour it wears off but the victim usually still feelings like the hallucinations are still happening long after it's stopped."

"The increase of people being emitted..." Dazai trailed.

"That was me." I stated. "Raven's Song really liked my ability considering none of them had one."

"But didn't you-?"

"Yes, I fucking killed Raven! Alright?! I killed him!" I yelled. Hitting my hands against the floor, I noticed it changed from white to red. Grabbing my hair I screamed, "Stop! Just make it stop!"

"Aliceina." Dazai grabbed my wrists. He activated his ability and the floor immediately changed back to white. "You need to calm down."

My hands dropped from my hair; Dazai still held on. "Calm down?" I was staring at the dried blood on my thighs, "You want me to calm down?" I began to laugh, "Easy for you to say. You got mercy. I know who you are, Dazai Osamu. Youngest Port Mafia executive. Now you're some Agency clown." I looked up at him, "Pathetic."

Dazai's palm connected with my cheek; hard. "There's no help for people who think like you."

I moved my jaw around, "Akutagawa hits harder than you."

He harshly grabbed my chin, "Listen, I could easily turn you over to the military police right now and have them kill you."

"Do it."

He furrowed his brow, "You act like you want to die." A smirk spread across his face, "Or are you calling my bluff?"

"Does it matter?"

Dazai let go of my wrists, "I'm merely curious." His eyes fluttered down to my collar. "Turn into a cat."

"Why?" I eyed him.

"Just do it."

I did as I was told to avoid getting slapped again. It hurt more than I had let on. Now free from my restraint, my round cat-like eyes looked up at the infamous Dazai Osamu curiously. To my surprise, he let out a chuckle.

"The perfect disappearing act. How many times have you been arrested?"

Tilting my head, I meowed at him.

Dazai furrowed his brow yet again, "You can't talk in that form?"

"Look who's catching on." I spoke words of poison after changing back into my human form. "And for your information, I've been arrested twice. Believe it or not I used to like keeping my ability under wraps."

"Why's that?"

I shrugged, "Can't do much good with it. The normal effects only last twenty-four hours and Mad Hatter leaves the victim insane."

"Is that what you really think?" He asked while chaining me back up.

"It's what I know, Dazai-san."

He smirked at me, "Well, you know what they say: long live the queen." I furrowed my brow at him as he dialed someone's number. "Chuuya." Dazai greeted happily. He was greeted back with yelling. Dazai merely chuckled, "I have a trade for you. I have your subordinate, I want information." He paused, "I can make it look like you got her back by force. Wait, you don't even know-" Dazai laughed, "Okay, you're right. Meet me in the warehouse tomorrow." He hung up and tossed me my phone back.

"So, that's it?" I asked. "You're just giving me up now?"

"Watch and learn, Aliceina." Dazai got up and let the room.

"I can't watch if I can't see you!" I shouted.

Jeez, he's annoying. I see why Akutagawa and Chuuya hate him so much. I forced myself to crawl up on the bed to try and get some sleep. Is he really giving me back? Dazai said that he was going to keep me alive... 

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