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"Looking for Port Mafia, little one?" A voice came from behind me.

Startled, I turned, "What's it to you?"

"I could help you find them. Depends what kind of business you have with them." The blonde male scanned me.

"It's unfinished business and it's none of yours." I snapped back.

"Kingsley, I'm in Port Mafia." The blonde stated.

Raising my eyebrow, I looked over the man. I laughed, "No you're not." I stepped closer to him, "And by the looks of it, you probably don't have an ability."

He smirked at me, "How do you figure that?"

"Never mind how I know about Port Mafia. But, you're standing too far away from me to be comfortable speaking with me. Plus your body is slightly turned to the left." I shrugged, "You scared of the Hatter?"

"The name's Raven." He chuckled, "I like your attitude. You want to get into Port Mafia? Let me tell you something: I'm about to take over."

I scoffed, "How are you going to manage that?"

"I have a business proposition for you, Kingsley. Let's talk it over some lunch." Raven suggested. "It's not like you have any family over here, why pass up a free meal?"

"You do realize if you upset me, you die. Right?"

"I'd expect nothing less from the great Mad Hatter." He offered his hand to me, "Shall we?"

I rejected it, "Lead the way."

"So," Raven began once we sat down, "what brings a pretty girl like you out here looking for the most feared organization in Yokohama?"

I leaned back and crossed my arms, "Don't know, Raven. What's a man like you doing thinking he can just take over the Mafia?"

"Well, I'll tell you the plan if you agree to help us." Raven leaned closer, "You're the key, Kingsley. We need an ability user with your amazing powers."

"Flattery." I scoffed, "What's in it for me?"

"A lady who doesn't like to fuck around. I like it." Raven leaned back as our food got to the table. "I'll give you Yokohama if you want it."

"How about this: You can't kill anyone in the Mafia until I get the information I want out of them." I bargained before shoving a few french fries in my mouth.

"Deal." He held his hand out across the table.

"Deal." I took his hand.

"Why'd you do that if you wanted to get into Port Mafia?" Akutagawa cut off my story.

"You see, I was going to get all the information I could on Raven's Song that I could get my hands on. Then, I was going to drop some intel on them for you guys. I just needed an in."

"Why, Aliceina? None of this is making sense." Akutagawa shook his head, slightly frustrated.

"Fitzgerald had my dad killed!" I shouted. "I knew you guys would eventually have a run-in with The Guild, it was only a matter of time really, and I wanted to help take them out. My father wasn't going to die in vain." My voice shook. I could feel the tears prick in the corners of my eyes. "Fitzgerald wanted me for The Guild, but my father wouldn't have it."

"The leader of The Guild killed your father, so you wanted to join Port Mafia for revenge knowing that we would most likely take care of them." Akutagawa explained his understanding.

I gripped the sheets as hard as I could. My knuckles were turning white and the sheets turned a bright red color. Akutagawa stood.

"Ali, what are you doing?"

My breathing grew heavy, "Make it stop!" I pulled at my hair with my left hand. "It hurts."

As I began crying, the bed shrunk and I fell onto the floor. The floor began changing colors. Red, white, black, navy blue, and back to red.

"You have to leave." I stated between sobs.

"Aliceina." Akutagawa warned.

"It's the Hatter." I whispered as the walls looked like they were melting.

The doorway grew, then shrank quickly to about six inches tall. I slowly sat up, watching everything change around me. I turned my head towards Akutagawa who was just observing me. Nothing else caught his eye. With all the colors and things growing and shrinking right before him, he looked at me. I stood.

"I warned you to leave." I chuckled maniacally. "Now, you're stuck here with The Mad Hatter." I extended my arms to each of my sides. "This isn't even the true power of The Mad Hatter." I sat on top of the bedside table that was floating. Wires crawled around his ankles like bugs, clothes flew through the room, the colors changed so rapidly someone could possibly have a seizure. Laughter escaped my lips, but tears flowed down my face. I turned my face.

"Don't look away from me." He commanded.

I began hyperventilating, but I listened.

"Put both of your feet on the ground." He said slowly.

I jumped off of the bedside table only to have the floor meet me halfway.

"Lift your left leg." Akutagawa stated.

As I did my eyes wandered to all the things moving around me.

"Oi!" He snapped, "I said don't look away."

I fell over.

"Do it again."

He told me to keep doing it every time I fell over. Akutagawa forced me with his stern words to just stand on one foot. As I finally found my balance, the room stopped moving. Everything changed back to normal. Everything that was flying around the room dropped right where they were. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in and I fell to my knees. I felt a hand on my head.

"Don't leave me on my own." My voice shook.

"Stay if you want." He muttered. Akutagawa calmly put his jacket back on and gazed at my state. "Get up, we're going for a walk."

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