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Akutagawa, Higuchi, Chuuya, and I went over the plans that Mori gave us for completing this mission. Higuchi and the Black Lizard unit were to surround the building to make sure only mafia members went in and out. That left Akutagawa, Chuuya, and I to go inside and retrieve the rest of the information that the now dead traitor gave over.

However, as soon as we got inside the three of us were greet by a shower of bullets. Chuuya and I ducked and rolled behind a crate. I tried shooting back at them, but my efforts were in vain.

"Where the hell did, Akutagawa go?" Chuuya yelled over the sounds of shots being fired.

I scoffed, "Who knows."

"He kept going through and he didn't try to tell us." Chuuya grumbled. "He needs to stop going off on his own! Mori said not to split up because they know our weaknesses. We need to move this crate. Do your thing, Aliceina. I'm getting us out of here."

"Chuuya, don't you fucking dare." I narrowed my eyes at the man crouching behind some crates with me.

"I'm your boss; not the other way around." Chuuya glared right back at me.

I huffed at him. This is useless. We're about to die anyway. With a roll of my eyes, I was annoyed with his reckless behavior, I activated part of my ability and made the crate at least ten times bigger than it was before.

Chuuya activated his ability as well, slamming the crate down on the line of gang members that were closing in on us. He took my hand and yanked me in the opposite direction of where we were supposed to be going. He slammed his shoulder against a door, opening it. I couldn't hear anything except for the gun shots whizzing past us. Quickly, I made the entry way only an inch tall.

"That's not going to stop them for long." I stated as Chuuya looked lost in thought. "Chuuya! Focus, we need to retrieve those documents and find wherever the hell Akutagawa went!"

"Shut up, pipsqueak. I'm thinking." He barked.

I should be used to this from him, but I snapped. "Well, sorry asshat! You looked like you were in la la land. Which, would be pretty stupid considering they're closing in on us again!" I waved my arms around angrily. Chuuya was off thinking again. "Are you even listening to me?!" I yelled.

"No." He held out his hand, "Now, shrink."
I now stood a mere four inches tall in the palm of his hand.

"This might be weird, just go with it." Chuuya put me in his jacket pocket and climbed up a desk to reach the warehouse's air vent. He was now crawling in the right direction to where we lost contact with Akutagawa. Chuuya turned right towards a quiet conversation. Once I heard that familiar cough that I hate so much, I jumped out of his pocket and ran ahead. "Aliceina!" Chuuya scolded in a hushed voice.
Not listening to my superior, I drew my gun and fell through the air vent grates. I knew Chuuya couldn't crawl fast enough to keep up with me. While falling, I changed back to my normal size- a very skinny, barely five foot tall, auburn-haired girl. Three goons looked at me from behind a very bloody Akutagawa as the gang leader turned while chuckling.

"You must be the backup." The gang leader laughed cynically. "One fifty pound girl. I knew the Mafia was pathetic, but this is ridiculous. Oh well," He waved the files that I needed around in the air, "since there's just one of you, you can choose: files or your partner?"

Smirking, I took a small step to the right. Chuuya dropped down, throwing his knife. It got stuck in one of the goons heads.

"It was a trick!" The leader yelled, "Get rid of him!"

The remaining two goons threw Akutagawa's limp body through the window. Without hesitation, I ran and jumped onto the desk in front of the window. Using the desk as a jump pad, I dove out of the window.

"Akutagawa!" I shouted as we were now both free falling into the bay- as the warehouse was portside. Straightening my body, I knew I could reach him before he hit the water. My hands reached out for the unconscious man that was the reason I was in this mess in the first place. I let out a much needed sigh of relief as I latched onto Akutagawa. Flipping us over just in time, my back connected with the ice cold water. Too tired to move once I got us above the water, I floated on my back with Akutagawa resting on me. "I hate you." I muttered while fixing his hair. My mind wandered to how this all started.

His voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Ali? You-" Akutagawa could himself off with a groan and a cough. Before I could say anything, he motioned for me to bring my ear closer.
"Don't leave my side."

"I never could." I almost chuckled. "We need to get you back to Port Mafia to see the doctor."

"No." he coughed. "We're going back. I'm fine." Akutagawa pushed me away and began treading water next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close. Then, he used Rashomon to pull us back in through the window.

When we came back in, it was two against one for Chuuya. He managed to knock one of them out, but the other ones were overwhelming him. They didn't seem to noticed us. Akutagawa leaned over to me and told me his plan.

A/n: The chapter with the prologue... does that mean the story is almost over?

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