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I was sitting upside down on Akutagawa's couch changing the color of anything I could reach only to change it back. He hadn't spoken with me in about an hour. Whenever I called his name he would just send a head of Rashomon over to me. Which, of course, I would pet it. I pursed my lips, knowing he was sulking in the kitchen while doing some paperwork for Mori.

"Ali?" He coughed. "Are you still awake?"

I heard him push in the chair. Remembering that I told him I was tired, I quickly closed my eyes and made myself comfy on the couch. I was no longer in the mood to deal with him.

"Aliceina, I know you're awake."

"No I'm not." I mumbled.

I heard him groan, "You're such a child."

"And you're annoying." I still didn't budge. I felt the couch sink down near my waist. Turning towards him, I opened my eyes slowly. My blue eyes met his grey ones.

"Ali," He placed his gentle hand on top of my head, "don't take everything I do to heart. You'll go mad."

I chuckled, "I already am. I am the Hatter after all. Nothing I do makes sense to me. Why would I run away from home at fifteen and travel to Japan only to find myself joining a gang? Why did I think using my powers in such a way would be a good idea? Why do I keep falling for people of power? Why do I find joy in messing with people to the point of torture? I don't know, Aku." I forced out a chuckle, "I have no clue."

"You're talking nonsense." Akutagawa helped me up, "You need to rest."


"I'll wake you for dinner." He handed me a sweatshirt.

I accepted it, "No, that's fine. I ate too much at lunch..." After putting on the sweatshirt, I crawled back into bed and fell asleep much quicker than I thought. I awoke to the vibration of my phone in my pocket. "Hello?" I sat up.

"Aliceina? Where are you?"


"You haven't come back after your lunch."

"Aku said I could sleep." I rubbed my eyes. "Did he go back to work?"

Chuuya laughed, "Did you just call him Aku? That's a riot." I could hear a knocking noise in the background. "Hold on, Aliceina. Yes?"

"We need to talk." Another voice said.

"I'm on the phone, Akutagawa. Can't it wait?" Chuuya asked, annoyed.

"No, it's about Aliceina."


"I don't know what to do. I think I need to apologize..." Akutagawa's voice got too quiet for me to hear. There was an exchange of whispers. I heard something bang on the other end of the phone call.

"Wow." Chuuya said to me after a minute. "How'd you do it?"

"Do what?" I yawned.

"He has a heart."

I chuckled, "That's because I knew he had one from the beginning. He didn't treat me the same as his other subordinates. It wasn't respectful, but it wasn't as aggressive either. Plus, I don't think he's ever hit me with his bare hands like Higuchi-san." I sighed, "That poor woman. She's so loyal to him..." I shook my head, "So, what did he want to apologize for?"

"I think you'll find out." Chuuya stated. "The question is, how did you ever fall for a man like him?"

"I'm pretty sure I didn't fall for him: he shoved me. Specifically, he actually threw me into the back seat of his car."

"Aliceina, that doesn't explain anything."

"Chuuya, I'm insane and he's detached. I don't think there's a better combination. He has a heart because of me and I didn't take training as a joke for him."

"You're not insane."

"Oh yeah? Look at the reports from when I go on missions with Tachihara. You'll see. It's part of the reason he liked me so much."

"What are you talking about?" I heard Chuuya shuffling through papers.

"Read Tachihara's reports. He loves to go into great detail of my interrogations." I chuckled.

"Holy shit, Aliceina. You did what-?"

I heard the front door to the apartment open. "Bye, Chuuya-chan!" I put my phone down on the bedside table.

"Oh," Akutagawa stated quietly when he saw me sitting up, "did I wake you?"

I shook my head, "I woke up a few minutes ago. I didn't even know you left. What's up? Should I go back to my apartment now?" I asked even though I had a feeling I knew the answer to that.

"No, I decided that we need to discuss important matters."

"Like what?" I fiddled with the sleeves of his sweatshirt.

He sat on the edge of his bed, "There's a miscommunication between us. I don't think that you understand my intentions." Akutagawa spoke softly and unsure.

My heart dropped a little. "Oh..." I took off his sweatshirt, "I understand. It's okay, I don't even know why I thought that someone like you could possibly like someone like me." I let out a pained chuckle. When I went to get up, he stopped me.

"Hold it, tell me." Akutagawa spoke sternly this time. "Why do you attach yourself to me? Is this some sort of Stockholm Syndrome?"

"Oh, Akutagawa, if only that was the case. It would be much more simple."

"A mental illness is more simple?" He questioned.

I sighed, "If you really want to know, I'll tell you. I was in Yokohama for at least four months before I joined Raven's Song. I kept tabs on the great Port Mafia. Call me what you want but, I have a fascination with how you guys operate. I gathered as much information as I could without being caught: news articles, sightings, the works." I shrugged, "I should have paid more attention to who was watching me instead of who I was looking for. That's how Raven found me."

"I'm not sure I'm following."

I took a breath, "Does this even matter?"

"It matters to me. Tell the story, Aliceina."   

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