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Blinking a couple of times, I noticed a ceiling that I've never seen before. When I tried to sit up, all my limbs were restrained. Turning into a cat, I slipped out through the crack in the door. I turned the corner that was closest to all the noise in hopes that someone would let me out.

"Oh my god! Who are you?" A woman with long black hair picked me up and cooed at me. She cuddled her face into my fur. "Atsushi, did you bring in another stray?"

A boy with grey hair and purple and yellow eyes looked at me. "I think I've fed this one before. She must have followed me back here today." He scratched behind my ear and I purred.

"Aw! Did you hear that? She likes you! You should name her." The woman gave me to Atsushi.

"Uh, I'm not good at that..." He trailed looking at me. "I'll think of something later." Atsushi brought me back to his desk.

The nice grey haired man would pet me occasionally. Eventually, I fell asleep while the sun was on his desk. It was so warm on my fur, I couldn't help it. It's been awhile since I've been in the sun. Most of the jobs I've been on for Port Mafia were at night. I awoke to the sounds of panicked yelling. I saw Atsushi shielding me from Dazai.

"What are you talking about this is a stray I used to feed." He stated frantically, flailing his arms about.

"She's awake, let's test that." Dazai gently moved Atsushi out of the way. He got into my little face, "Aliceina, I'm not going to hurt you anymore if you cooperate."

"Says the guy that chloroformed me in my apartment." I scoffed as I changed back into a human.

Atsushi passed out seeing me change. I now sat cross legged on top of Atsushi's desk.

"You started it." Dazai put his hands up in defense. "You shot at me." He chuckled. "I honestly just want to talk. You put up such a fuss."

"You know they're looking for me by now." I didn't budge.

"How do you suppose that?"

"My gun is most likely still in the hallway, the light in my apartment is still on, and the door is still opened." I stated monotonously.

Dazai raised his eyebrow at me, "How do you figure that?"

"You were dragging my body towards the elevator. You wanted to get out of there without being seen, so instead of cleaning up after yourself you grabbed me and ran." I analyzed.

Dazai chuckled, amused. "You're absolutely right. You have a couple of missed calls. I think they're mad that I disabled the tracking." He tossed me my phone.

A manic laugh escaped me. "This is great. He'll kill me." I couldn't stop laughing. Everything built up to this. All my suppressed emotions they came out as a beautiful hysteria. Tears poured from my eyes as the laughing continued. The cell phone rang in my hand. I quieted down, looking down at the caller ID.

"Answer it." Dazai commanded.

"Tachihara-san." My voice was back to its emotionless tone.

"Ah! My little red queen!" He happily answered back. "Where the hell are you? Akutagawa is pissed." There was yelling in the background. I heard struggling.

"Aliceina." Akutagawa must have taken Tachihara's phone from him. "What happened?"

"What do you mean what happened?" Tachihara's voice was muffled, "Is she okay?"

"Shut up!" Akutagawa barked. "Aliceina, what happened."

My blood ran cold as I looked at Dazai, knowing this wasn't going to end well for most. "Dazai." My breathing slowed as the yelling over the phone sounded distant. Standing on the desk, I caused the man with the glasses to pull a gun on me. I smiled and tossed Dazai back my phone as I heard someone on the other end tell me not to hang up. I leaned against the window; the smooth surface against my back. "I'll be seeing you."

Dazai's eyes widened as he tried to grab me. The window smashed under my weight- I had made the window as thin as a picture frame- and I was now free falling from the Agency.

"Would you like to commit a double suicide with-" Dazai was cut off, most likely by someone shutting him up.

I turned into my cat form and landed on my feet. Mentally sighing, I trotted off back to Port Mafia. I was enjoying my walk until I heard frantic footsteps coming my way. "Damn." I swore under my breath as I ran into an alley and changed back into my human form. As I was yanked back by my hair, I let out a yelp.

"For a cat, you're not that fast." A boy with a funny hat stated after releasing me.

I backed up away from him. My back quickly hit something solid. A bandaged hand rested on my shoulder. "Dazai-san..." I trailed. A collar was placed around my neck.

"It's going to be hard keeping you restrained, isn't it?" Dazai whispered.

Two against one isn't fair. The things that Akutagawa told me about Dazai are coming back.

"Don't get near him."

"He can nullify your ability."

"You think I'm bad? He'd shoot you five times and punch you twice for good measure."

Chuuya has even complained about him before. Not that his words were anything useful.


"No good bastard, that's what he is."

My chest ached. Hanging my head, I cooperated with the ex-mafia member. He, along with the strange boy who chased me with him, brought me back to the agency. My movements became robotic as I was chained to a wall by the collar on my neck.

"I'll be back to talk." Dazai smiled and waved as he locked the door behind himself.

I knelt down on the ground and dug my nails into my thighs. My body shook. What's the point anymore? Akutagawa isn't coming for me. Who knows what this place is going to do to me. I've been running for too long. I felt something on my finger tips. Blood. Releasing my thighs, I sighed in defeat, leaned against the wall, and closed my eyes.

"Aliceina." I was nudged. "Hey, wake up."

I groaned and slapped the hand away.


I opened my eyes, "What?" I snapped.

"What happened to your legs?" Dazai was waving around a gun.

"What's it to you?"

"You can't look like that in front of a visitor." He shrugged and waved the person in. "It can't be helped, I guess."  

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