Chapter 3: Detention

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   "Chris! Chris! Wake up! Please..." Irene was thrashing me all over.

   I grunted and reluctantly opened my eyes and let out a huge yawn. I covered my mouth, rubbed my eyes and asked,"What is it Irene? Am I late for school?"

   "Chris! It's mom... She's dead!"

   "What?" I jumped out of the bed. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she pointed over to mom's room. I ran straight into it and sure enough, mom was lying dead in the bed, her neck dripping blood. Her eyes were wide open with terror. I fell to my knees.

   I woke up sweating profusely. I just had a nightmare after a long time. I glanced at the bedside clock. 3:00 AM. I gulped down a glass of water. After my heart rate steadied up, I lied down again.

   I tried to push away the thoughts that glided into my mind but to no luck. No, it was all just a coincidence. Going to The Old Cemetery, meeting Seth and having a nightmare. I was over thinking. Even though I knew I wouldn't get sleep anymore, I scrunched my eyes and tried to think of other things. In the silence of the night, I could hear my heart banging against my chest. Maybe it was time I put an end to my late night excursions.


   Next morning I woke up at usual time, but my mind still hadn't gotten over about last night. So much that both mom and Irene asked if something was wrong. I said no (of course!) and continued with my routine.

   Mom drops us to school everyday on her way to work. She'd come to pick us up in the evening too. I went and sat down in the car. Irene followed mom into the car and we started.

   All the way, I could only think of how mysterious things are getting now. As I watched the trees and people blur past as we sped through the road, I thought of asking mom whether she'd noticed anything strange. After contemplating that thought for a few seconds, I decided not to.

   We reached school. I went to my class quickly. Mom and Irene were exchanging byes and hugs as if they'd never meet again. I sat down in my seat. We got math today first thing in the morning. Great! Just what I needed. Math and I already had our own issues. And when I got Mr.Swit to teach me math, the disagreements worsened between the three of us. So much that he reciprocated my feelings.

   "Hey dude! What yah thinkin' over?"

   Jake had come. He was my best friend here. Yeah, since I migrate every 3 years, I'd lots of best friends.

   "Nothing," I said somewhat uninterested. He sensed my mood and then, took out his phone and started playing some racing game. He was a mad gamer... I think there wasn't a game on earth that he hadn't even heard of. I watched him play for a few seconds and then Anna came into the class.

   Now, she was a real beauty. I had a crush on her. You know she was so cute! Her pink lips, curly brown hair and those brown eyes... They were like warm chocolate. She smiled at me as she took her place. Never before had I looked at another girl that way. There was something special about her...

   But she'd cleverly friendzoned me. I don't know whether she did that purposefully or not. I will be here for 3 years and that was more than enough time to make her fall for me. Moments later Judith came in, Anna's best friend. She sat down next to Anna. It was almost time for the period to start. And sure enough, Mr.Swit walked in.

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