Chapter 18: A Brisk Walk

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   "Safe haven?" asked a puzzled George. "You mean, we're going to stay here for the rest of our lives?"

   "Yes. You got a better place?" snapped Amelia.

   George shook his head. "No, but Amelia, this room is giving me the creeps. I mean I dunno how I'm even standing here without throwing up."

   "It was even worse before. Compared with that, I think it smells more like a garden now!"

   George sighed. He decided to take a look around. His eyes scanned every corner of the room. It was difficult to identify anything properly due to the lack of light. However, that couldn't conceal the fact that a very old man was chained inside it.

   "Good Lord!" shouted George as he jumped back. "Who's that?"

   Amelia knew that she'd have to give him an account of everything. He was as clueless about this room, In Cubiculo Magicas, as she was the first time she entered it.

   His shout awoke Aranchis. He peered over to the two guests through his squinted eyes, the yawn escaping his mouth and the expression on his face stating that he hated to be disturbed when asleep.

   But when he saw who had come with Amelia, he opened his mouth in pleasant surprise.

   "My dear! You've done it!"

   Amelia smiled and quickly went over to Aranchis. She was glad that she'd taken the time and effort to tidy up the whole place. It was way too better than what it used to be.

   "Am I correct in thinking that this is the time to set you free once and for all?" asked Amelia.

   Aranchis beamed at her. "I still wonder how you did not end up as my daughter!"

   "I am," said Amelia, smiling from ear to ear.

   Aranchis raised both his hands. Amelia touched the leashes and then gripped them tightly.


   For a moment, Amelia wondered whether it had lost its magical properties. Her dubeity was proved wrong by the loud crack as the chains snapped open, link by link, and fell onto the floor like raindrops from sky.

   A look of victory appeared on Aranchis' face. He looked from hand to hand, as if he still couldn't believe that he was free at last.

   "Thank you!" he exclaimed and Amelia shook her head to say that it was nothing.

   George was wondering whether Amelia even remembered that he was present there. Right then, she looked at him and began narrating how Aranchis ended up there. 

   How the founder of The Empire of Assangue had found them, how he promised to share powers in return for the exchange of their knowledge, about the chamber they were in now, that it was kept a secret between him and Aranchis and finally, the betrayal...

   George couldn't believe his ears at first. He couldn't believe that he'd been serving a family that was raised on top of the blood of countless innocent people. For a moment, he wished that Edward's father had never found him from that forest, alone and crying.

   He was brought to the Palace by the King, and raised as an equal to Edward. He loved them above all and despite the fact that he knew they were all unaware of what their ancestors had done to the Katrasta tribe, he couldn't help but despise them a bit. He was glad that he wasn't related to them by blood. He couldn't have forgiven himself if that was so.

   "So... You'll be staying with us, right?" Amelia asked Aranchis.

   "Oh my dear! I'd love to, but I must go. My instinct is telling me that my presence in here will be fatal to you both!"

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