Chapter 9: The Empire of Assangue

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   There are times when you are so surprised that all you can do is stay still, processing what you'd just heard or seen; your only reaction being your wide open mouth. It was one such moment for me.

   Never before had I ever experienced something like this. Of all the things I'd expected... I don't know why but I felt like I'd been cheated. I stood there, not knowing what to do.

   I realized the danger I'd walked myself into. What that little girl I saw earlier said to me, resonated in my mind.

   Look what she did to me when I tried to leave... What she did... She!

   Had she been referring to Anna? She seemed okay to me all these while... Someone I could trust... But could I anymore?

   Anna was leaning against the gates, her gaze fixated upon the Palace. I thought of leaving and when I turned, a boy was standing before me, who was older than me.

   "Look what she did to me when I tried to leave."

   And then he raised his hands and I knew what was going to happen but before anything could happen, Anna called me.

   "Chris!" her voice and face were full of the surprise that was in her mind. "You can see them too, can't you?"

   I raised my eyebrows at her.

   "Oh!" she let out a laugh, "It isn't me they're talking of... It's Amelia."

   "How could I know that you aren't lying?"

   "If I wanted to do anything to you, I could've done that a long time ago!" she sighed. "Follow me, Chris."

   There was a loud creaking sound as Anna pushed open the heavy metal gates. We both stood there looking at the Palace, as if we were tourists.

   The Palace stood as still as ever, with that typical mist hovering all around. This time, I could have a better view. It was built of stone and in many parts, the stones had fallen off, cracked and all.

   "Let's go inside," she said and began walking.

   Before walking again, I turned to check whether that boy was still there, and to my horror, I saw a number of disgusting hands sticking out from the trunks of many pines! They were clenching and unclenching as if to take hold of something. I quickly turned back and followed Anna. I'd no wish to check whether those hands were still there.

   The courtyard of the Palace must have once been an appealing garden but now, it was overspread with weeds. There was a fleet of wooden staircase that led to the double-doors of the Palace, its entryway. Our footsteps echoed all around as we climbed the stairs.

   "It just feels like the last time I came here. With Seth. It was because he forced me to. That was the worst decision I ever took in my life - agreeing to come here," she let out a huge breath.

   I was doubtful of her, if truth be told. But it was either her or the ghosts waiting outside. I preferred to fight a human than a ghost.

   "But before that, I should tell you what really happened here," she said, as she sat down. "Take your seat. It's quite a long story."

   I sat down on the wooden staircase that was very much time-worn, as Anna began the story of the empire that once Little Falls was - The Empire of Assangue.


   King Edward ascended the stairs to his ivory throne. Once at top, he turned around, greeted the court, and sat down. He did a quick scanning of the court. As usual, everybody from the local chieftain to his personal caretaker was present.

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