Chapter 29: Clistron Bridge

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All I could do was gape at the sight before me. I couldn't move a muscle; I was rooted to the spot. I'd been praying that nothing bad would happen to them both. My prayers had gone futile.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks. After everything, this was just too much to take in.

Dawn suddenly broke out all around, bathing the neighborhood in its pale golden light. Before I could do anything, I witnessed something else.

As the intensity of the rays got brighter, the bodies of Judith and Jake were fading into the surroundings. I could see the other side through them. Finally, all that was left were their scrawny contours, which too vaporised into thin air.


The voice from behind startled me. I turned back and found myself facing mom. She'd her hands on her hips and was shooting me a glance of accusation which immediately softened on seeing my face.

"What happened, Chris? Where have you been?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"Mom... " I didn't know what to say. There wasn't much time left. The number that was etched into their faces...

Only two more nights left!

If I hadn't found a solution by then, well ... I didn't want to think about it.

"Mom, I'll be back soon!"

With that said, I hurried to Nana's. Mom was calling me back. I didn't turn. There'll be time to explain later.

Despite having been up all night, I wasn't feeling tired at all. So far, the death counts have been four. If what Nana said was true, then he'd have to murder two more people to make it six, so that he could summon two spirits: Amelia and George senior.

Within minutes, I found myself standing before the creepy cabin, which actually didn't look so creepy in the morning light. Nana must have heard me coming for she opened the door at once.

"What is it Chris?" she asked, her face suddenly turning dark.

"It's Judith and Jake... I just found the-"

"Come inside!" she hissed.

I hurried into the house after her and perched on a chair at the dining table, opposite to her. She spread her hands over the table.

"Nana, it's Judith and Jake. I found them dead! A double murder!"

Nana winced. "It seems like my speculations are true. He really is trying to perform some sort of ritual, that would enable him to bring his parents back!" Nana said.

"But Nana, how is that even possible? And moreover, nobody can avoid a double murder!"

Nana shook her head in exasperation.

"The answer to your first question is obvious Chris! I already told you Aranchis had outlined better powers for the first soul. Maybe Seth has the ability to draw out his parents' souls without really performing the ritual in the right procedure.

Now the same answer goes for your second question. Aranchis obviously didn't want anything to obstruct the souls' path once the gruesome events commenced. Hence he must have magically manipulated the time period in which the souls would be released in advance, so that the horrible events would fail to draw much attention. In other words, people would unwittingly turn a blind eye to the happenings around!"

Oh my God! That's why my dad's missing never created much uproar and that was days ago. It's obvious this double murder will be nothing to the natives!

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