Chapter 21: The Old Woman

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"It was me?" I asked, wondering what he'd meant.

"Yes... That was what he told me. 'It is Chris, Molly, it's him. I've always known.'"

"He didn't explain what he'd meant?"

"No. It was that night I doubted for the first time that maybe I hadn't really known Jacob Coller at all!"

For a moment, she got immersed in silence. I wondered whether she was guilty of thinking about him so. She heaved out a sigh.

I looked out the window, only to find that light had filled the atmosphere. It wouldn't be much time before Irene woke up. We had better get going. As if mom had had the same thoughts, she continued her narration.

"His attitude began changing considerably after that. He'd often wake up at odd hours, screaming gibberish. He was so ... delirious!

I was worried about him and finally convinced him to consult a psychiatrist. It took me a great deal of energy to push him to the clinic. But the attempt ended up being futile, for he never uttered what was concerning him.

The psychiatrist suggested a written test and some other tests to confirm whether he was having hallucinations but the results were negative. His mental condition was as good as mine was.

Over time, the subject got dropped and he seemed to return to his normal state. That was until one day, I caught him reading a book on occult. Shocked at what he was doing, I threw the book away from his hand, much to his annoyance."

I realized that every beat of my heart was ringing in my ears. What was he was so concerned about? And what has it got to do with me?

"And he began shouting about some strange empire. I couldn't catch much of it, but I clearly heard him crying 'Edmund will kill you' and that 'Amelia was made a fool of'. He kept repeating that Edmund will find a way out and when he did, he'd wreak havoc everywhere.

That was more than enough for me. His mannerisms were terrifying and I was very much concerned about you and Irene. Once when he was out, I searched his drawers and found similar books on occult and dark magic.

And that was when I understood that things were far beyond my control. When he returned, I let him know the decision I'd taken: divorce. He was speechless and as white as a ghost. That was the first time I ever saw him cry. He kept blabbering that cock and bull story about the empire and was pleading for me to listen.

I'd already made my mind up and that night itself, I left to Cathy's with my belongings and you and Irene. Luckily, at that time we were only a few miles away from Clistron Bridge. Within a few days, I sent him the notice for divorce and to my surprise, he accepted it straight away, without any objections.

His mother came to Clistron Bridge and after the divorce, she came to me and told: you'll regret this. I didn't care about it back then. After that, I never saw him again and made no efforts to keep contact with him, although from time to time, he'd call me. I never answered the calls. He then sent me letters, which, to this day I've never opened.

Then it was time for my transfer and he lost my address eventually. Several years passed before we both met again. It was only because of Cathy. But already by that time, I had begun to regret the hasty decision I'd taken, divorce of course.

So one fine day, Cathy called me to let me know that Jacob had come to Hope, to adopt a child. Shocked I was when I first heard it but I eventually accepted it. After all, his two children were with me. He must have wanted to love someone and be loved back.

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