Chapter 6: Seth Again!

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   It was none other than Seth.

   "Hey, what're you doing here?" He asked me.

   I stood there, not answering his question.

   "Why are you looking at me like that?" He gave me another question.

   "Who are you Seth? Who are you really? I'm bloody sure that everything you told me that night was a lie." I was grinding my teeth. "Tell me now. Tell me the truth."

   "Not everything was a lie," he began. "But most of them were. Abraham Coller is not my great-great-grandfather. In fact I'm not related to him at all."

   He paused. I gave him a nod to go on.

   "First, let's get the hell out of here," he said. "I really don't want to be caught for snooping around."

   That said, he began to walk out. I followed him. I wondered whether it was a trap, especially since he himself just admitted to me that he lied to me the other night. He went downstairs and then got out. I caught up with him.

   "So where are you heading to?" I asked demandingly.

   "To where it all started," he said, without looking at me.

   "The Old Cemetery?" I asked.

   "Yes. Although that's not exactly the place it all started from," he said, again not meeting my eye and in a rather serious tone.

   He jumped past the barricades and began walking away , not caring to check whether I was following him or not. I quickly closed the front door and went after him.

   He was walking rather fastly and I was getting short of breath trying to pick his pace.

   Does he know something about Swit? Is he trying to evade me? And most importantly, what was he doing at Swit's?

   "Why weren't you patrolling there tonight?" I asked.

   "It's no longer required," he said. "The protection is broken. They're free."

   The protection is broken? They're free? What did he mean?

   "Please Seth," I began, "you know I'm from another place. So please if you tell something,explain it."

   "I will. Once we reach The Old Cemetery."

   The rest of the walk was quiet. He was leading and despite my best efforts, it was difficult for me to walk side-by-side with him. Everything was quieter than usual and our footsteps echoed all around. I swallowed. I just prayed that nobody would come out to check.

   I noticed the way Seth was walking. Two reasons: there was nothing else to do and his manner seemed strange. He was walking in a straight line like somebody had drawn an invisible line in the middle of the road. He didn't swerve to right or left. Both his arms stayed on either sides as if they got attached. Even his head didn't bob. He was looking straight ahead, completely focussed on leading. It appeared as if he'd it all planned already; that he knew he'd meet me tonight.

   He stopped abruptly. I was concentrating on his walk that I couldn't stop myself in time and walked into him. He didn't stir, just kept looking ahead. And then he turned his head, in a way that made my hairs stand on their ends.

   "Here we are."

   And then he smiled... An evil smile. My hairs might as well have flown off my body. I looked past him. We were there. And the gates were open. He walked in. I followed.

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