Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was driving for a half hour now and passed the park when something in my mind clicked.

"HEY!" I said suddenly and punched Harry in the arm.

It caught him off guard and he rubbed his arm. "What was that for?"

"We were supposed to meet at the park..? How did you know where I lived? I never told you!" I said mentally slapping myself since I only just realized what was happening.

"Oh..." he sighed. "I called Gabbey and Nina because I know you. You hate walking. So I knew something was wrong. After apologizing for what I did to you guys, they forgave me and told me everything."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to ruin your birthday...."

I rolled my eyes. I hated talking about my parents. "I'm sorry about what happened and I'm sorry I wasn't there for-"

"How much longer until we arrive wherever you're taking me?" I cut him off changing the subject and hoped he got the picture.

He understood and went along with it. "Umm... we're actually here now. Pull over right here."

I parked the car at the curb of a fancy looking restaurant I had never seen before. The name of it was Bon Apetit. We all got out of the car and entered. Some girls were looking at us strangely but I just shrugged it off. We got a seat at a booth in the back of the room and a waiter handed us some menus. I picked a salad.

"A Salad!?" Niall screamed at me.

"Yeah... Chicken Caesar...." I said shooting him a confused face.

"You don't want any meat? A hamburger? Fries? Just a Salad!?"

"I'm not that hungry...."

It was true. I never used to be hungry anymore. Ever since what happened with my parents I became less hungry. I used to have a huge appetite. Was hungry all the time. Now food just seems like a waste of energy and it makes you fat.

Harry sent me a worried glance but I ignored it. The waiter came with our food. He was really cute. He had brown hair that was messy in all of the right places and brown eyes that I could stare at for ages. He said his name was Seth and we told him our names.

"Roxy?" the waiter asked for my attention.


"You look gorgeous tonight."

I blushed. "Thanks."

He gave me a wide grin and left. I noticed Harry's hands scrunch up into balls and his jaw clench but I decided not to worry about it. When we were finished our food the waiter came back without a bill but with a small piece of paper folded neatly and handed it to me.

"It's on the house for a very lovely lady." He said and left.

I unfolded the paper and smiled when I read it.

Call me ;) 555-129-1938

-Seth x

I put it in my purse and got up with the rest of the gang. We headed back to the car and got inside.

"So do you guys want me to drop you back home or do you wanna come over?" I asked.

"SLEEPOVER!" Louis yelled and everyone cheered him on.

"What? No... no, no. I don't think that would be approved by Mike and- I mean my parents..."

They smiled sadly at what my mistake but Louis decided not to stay on that. "Come on. Sure they will. I mean have they seen us?" he said smiling innocently while clasping his hands together, swaying and batting his eyelashes.

I giggled. "Okay maybe I can talk to them but only if Nina and Gabbey approve."

"WOOHOO! SLEEPOVER TIME!" they chorused and started jumping around in their seats making me laugh.

When we arrived home the boys were introduced to the girls and we were on the couches in the living room just talking about One Direction and living with the fans when Gabbey had to go and ask that one little question.

"So which one of you guys have a girlfriend?"

Liam raised his hand along with Zayn making me smile. They probably had amazing girls. But my smile faltered when I realized Harry's hand up too. A pang of jealousy flowed through me but I ignored it and  forced on a fake smile because I really didn't know what was happening.

Was I falling for my best friend?


NEW CHAPTERR IS UP! :D WOOP WOOP! :D heheh i hope you guys enjoy it! i know it's short but it's still something! xx

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