(1) Wake Up Call

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"Hello?" I groan down the source that woke me from my slumber.

"Where the hell have you been? I've tried contacting you the past few days and you haven't answered, you missed my brother Ryan's birthday party he was really hoping you were going to be there you know how he feels about you Crystal plus you missed a lot of fun," A voice screeches' from the other end of the phone. I hold it away from my ear for a few short seconds; it's way too early for this.

"What? Chill calm down Olivia, what day is it?" I respond, rubbing my eyes trying to wake myself up properly, everything feels fuzzy.

"It's Monday!" She mutters sounding slightly peeved off.  If anything can get me alert in the morning it's definitely Olivia's temper. Wait why is panicking it's still Monday... it's Monday morning so this means?

"What seriously? You're kidding right? I've been asleep a whole week shit! Tell Ryan I'm so sorry I'll make it up to him, Olivia sorry I'm really confused right now why don't I come to your house later and I will make it up to you and Ryan I've got to go bah-bye," I reply.

I hang up before she can rant another word; I sit up annoyed staring at nothing. I check my phone once more 34 missed calls yikes.

Pains creeps up slowly disturbing my thoughts, my head is pounding it feels like little people are stabbing at my brain constantly. How did this happen? Did I go drinking last night or something without even remembering it? I'm aching all over. There is a drill in my gums. I hang off the side of my bed, searching through my bedside draws. Something must be in here to help me.

I feel pleased with myself when I find some ibuprofen, I attempt two I can't swallow them, usually I can take them right away. Reluctantly I jump out of bed, my legs feels weak at first, without a glance I head straight to the kitchen and take the tablets with a glass of water.

My neck tightens like a snake constricting I cough hard trying to breathe. I try another glass of water and it seems to do the trick. Why am I in so much pain? I've been asleep for days... I sit down at the dining table contemplating my thoughts. The ibuprofen takes action shortly after ten minutes.

I need to think, what happened when I was last awake and how did I get home and into my bed? I think long and hard for remembrance.

I was walking down a Cimmerian alley, I thought it was safe, I thought everything would be fine, I guess I was just trying to avoid the small shadows lurking. I remember meeting a guy his face was shaded; he was rather freaky I'm sure he wasn't speaking English, I bumped into him.

I should have known not to go down that alley. The reasons were obvious the alley itself was enough to scare people off it was dingy. Deviant shadows lingered behind the bins and between the old abandoned warehouses.

I remember my heart racing and my body feeling limp because I was hearing footsteps behind me and every time I turned around not a soul, person or animal was in sight. The alley was filthy and cold, what was going through my mind to take that damn short cut. Why didn't I get a lift from my granddad in his car to the local grocery store to pick up a carton of milk? Then I wouldn't be sat here wondering why I've missed a whole week of my life.

Now coming to think of it when I bumped into the guy I wasn't able to see his face it was too dark and he was in the shadows but he said something to me then darkness enveloped me and  now I'm here at home.

I can't remember what he said to me it didn't sound English or like any other language I've ever heard, perhaps he was foreign but he had a certain dominating accent.

I have a lot of questions but no one to answer them. I can't remember what happened after or during I blacked out; it's all just one blur but every now and then I get a little shine of light showing through the blur giving me little insight to what happened.

It makes my head ache even more just trying to think about it. I think my head ache is coming back, a sudden shiver runs through me, I need to clear my head and the only place suitable is the shower.

I leave the door open in the bathroom in case there is a knock on the door, turning the shower on I undress myself and shower, the rays of water splash against my face, the water is on the highest but it feels really cold. I avoid wetting my hair, the cold shower wakes me up. Wrapping myself in a towel I catch myself in the mirror.

Oh fuck. Something inside of me urges as if a red warning signs are going off. The answer to my problem. I manage to clear my mind and just observe myself.

I look different... Am I even the same person I was a when I was last awake? Is this my reflection or someone trying to play games with me?

I'm a lot paler than usual I am nearly as white as chalk. My long hair looks stronger and shinier. My body looks stronger, sleek and slender. My eyes they've changed; my pupils are huge, my sclera is just white no blood vessels, and the blue in my eyes are clear and more prominent than ever. I try touching my face, I jump a little. I'm like ice... Have I come down with a flu?

I check my body for a pulse... There isn't one... I don't have a pulse! My blood isn't circulating around my body, I examine my body I think I feel alive. Oh my disastrous god I have fangs! They look like little daggers ready to pierce into something or someone.

I'm not dead, I can't be. There has to be justified reason behind this, I touch my fangs they're pearly white and sharp. I'm a Vampire. How the fuck did this happen? How is this even slightly possible? I'm still human right? I've got a skeleton in me; I'm as human as anybody else right?

I'm a monster! It does explain my change but why me? I thought Vampires only existed in stories and horror films well I was obviously wrong.

My life is ruined! What will Olivia and Ryan think? Will I ever be able to go to school again? Oh this is really bad. I start back at school in a week, this really can't be happening to me! I will no longer be able to walk the earth in daylight; I will be the creature of the night.  I won't be able to go in sunlight so school isn't a possibility, is this a good thing or a bad thing...?

I can't believe this is happening to me what have I done to deserve this? Am I over thinking things? Surely there is a rational explanation for all of this... right?

I pace back and forth across the bathroom, who knew a mirror could do so much damage. When life is going great something has to come along and ruin it...

I try to think of all the different possibilities but no such luck I'm doomed. I guess now school is out of the question I have no way to live, my granddad can't support me forever. My parents are gone and here I am my world falling apart with no one by my side; absolutely marvellous.

I look around, the windows are covered up blocking the light, how did I not notice this before? Why does it matter anyways; I drop to my knees and burst into tears I don't have a clue what to do.

My entire world has been turned upside down in the matter of a couple days! Why do bad things always have to happen to me? I feel miserable, lifeless, baffled as my world slowly crumbles beneath me.

If my life was a puzzle right now it would be impossible to solve. I am just one immense emotional wreckage.

My spine shakes as it echoes "Puer meus eris. Domine, ut hunc Electum," The dominating words spin around me, scaring my brain embedding into my soul. Those words, his words. The words that were the last sound I heard before this illusion of confusion.

I swear to god someone up there really hates me; I look up to the ceiling cursing to the game player they call our so called 'god', I see a shadow as I do so it quickly grabs my attention, it's the guy from the alley, I'm sure of it. The son of a bitch is standing there in my bathroom doorway casually smirking at me...

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