(3) Velvet Blood

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I’m standing on the edge of the earth on a grassy hill it is peaceful, reserved and verdant, it’s very refreshing. The blue sky is cloudless. I can smell the beautiful nature surrounding me.  A guy is standing beside me. He is a beautiful man soft delicate light brown skin, no hair but he has an oddly shaped long white beard,  he has big blue eyes, you know the forget me not type, they are like aquamarine gemstones. He is wearing a long purple toga with a silver silk belt. Calmness radiates from him.

 He looks placid and speaks smoothly as his words are alluring. He looks like the kind of guy who people would look up to and come for advice. He looks like someone who is very important. He reminds me of some sort of wizard but I doubt he is a wizard, well it wouldn't surprise me if he was as last week I didn’t think Vampires were real but they are, so right now anything is possible.

“Crystal I am Lord Khalunga!" He speaks not making eye contact, he stares into the distance. How did he know I was here? Was it my presence? So this is the creator mentioned in the book.

"I am the god of the four elements, god of animals and mammals and god of every living thing. You have so many questions burdening your mind my child, answers will soon be revealed,"

"Are you real? Is any of this real?" This makes him turn, his eyes shine as his small brows furrow at me. I'm guessing that's a yes.

"I understand you’re shaken and befuddled about you becoming a Vampire unwillingly but you must understand it’s your destiny you’re supposed to be what you have become..." He speaks clearly, his voice is soothing. Befuddled? Amusing.

"You will be the most powerful vampire in the world but no matter what happens you must stick with your mortal friends they need you, don’t keep them in the dark;  open up to them stay close to Olivia! Even though you’re a Vampire you can still love no matter what rumours may say..." Ryan comes to mind, what am I supposed to do? My feelings for him, they can't change, surely.

"Your love for Ryan still exists even if you don’t feel it at times your love for your friends will forever be inside your warm heart,” says Lord Khalunga as if he was reading my mind, he's pretty smart.

The sound of his voice touches my soul and puts my every concern to an ease for a few short seconds. He has a peaceful welcoming yet wise tone. Why did he bring up Ryan?  How does he know this is my destiny is he some kind of time lord or something like Doctor Who.

I can’t help but to mentally laugh at the thought of this man standing with the Doctor next to the tardis! I knew he would have been someone important!

“Lord I’m confused what if I hurt the people I love? What if I don’t make a very good Vampire? I’m scared I don’t know what to do... Will you always be there when I need help and guiding?” I reply.

“You won’t hurt the people you love, if you love them so you won’t hurt them, and you will be a great vampire all will reveal its self in time and of course, I will be here,” He replies touching my  heart.

“What do I do about Nicholas there is something strange about him?” I manage to say, I feel like I want to listen to him and it would be a sin to interrupt.

“Trust him he is your maker he will teach you the ways of the Vampire, he may seem odd but he cares even though he hides it deep within, you must understand he has been troglodytic for a long time and he just needs someone to talk to and someone who will look up to him." Hmm his words make sense, maybe even so to help me see Nicholas in a new light.

"He wants you to be the best you can be and  he will help you succeed in life. He may treat you hard but it is for your own good. He keeps up- to-date with how you young adults speak and the things you all like so you won’t struggle to understand him."

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