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I didn't think my life would change. I was happy with my life. Then the leech showed up. Stupid blood suckers. That red head changed me. I want revenge.


I was best friends with Jacob black. We've known each other since we were
three.We grew up together.

Then one day he disappeared out of my life.

One week ago.

"Hey, ZoZo wanna go to the beach for a bit?" Jake asked me as he called me by my nickname that he can only say.

"Sure let me grab the football." He nodded. I came back with his football and we jumped in his truck.

Soon enough we got to the beach. After about two hours of tossing the football back and forth,and sitting on the rocks talking Sam wanted me home.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning,ZoZo." Jake said.

"I'll see ya Jakey." I replied kissing his cheek and getting out of the truck.

Next Day.

I hopped on my dirt bike and went to Jake's

I soon arrived and hopped off. I went to the garage first to see if he's in there first,he usually is working on his Rabbit.

He's not there weird. I went up to his house to see if he's there. I knocked on the door cause I'm not rude and barge in.

Billy answered.

"Zoey,how are you?"

"I'm good Billy. How about you?" I replied.

"Healthy as a horse." He chuckled.

"Is Jacob here?"

"I'm sorry Zoey. He's got mono. It would be a good idea if you would not come around for a bit." He said with a sad face.

"O-oh. Okey. Can you tell him to call me when he gets a chance?" I asked.

"Of course. Drive safe." I nodded and he closed the door.

Present Day.

Ever since then I haven't heard from Jake,and that kills me. Also Emily has been keeping me out of the house. Today she decided to to to Port Angelous. I hate going out.

On the way there I just got really hot. Like I was sick,and it's 40 degrees outside. I rolled down the window.

"Yo, Zoey what are you doing?!" Emily asked.

"Aren't you hot? Cause I'm like sweating my booty off over here."

"Oh,no." She said then she picked up her phone. I thought  she was smarter than that. All of a sudden I got really angry at her.

"Emily! I thought you were smarter than that!! Why do we always have to go out! I hate going out!" I yell.

"Sam. I think it's happening." She said. She turned the car around and started speeding home. "I'm trying Sam." She said.

"SLOW DOWN EMILY! God,your gonna get us killed!" I yell again. I don't know what came over me.

Soon enough we're home.

I start shaking uncontrollably.

"E-Emily what's happening?" I question I'm scared now.

"Trust me. Get out of the car and stay outside." She said. I nodded and did as told.

"Zoey." Sam's loud voice boomed. "Ok. Something is going to happen but you need to stay calm." I nodded.

The next thing I know I'm on all fours and have fur!!!. What the hell just happened?

'It's ok calm down.' I heard Sam's voice. I went to speak,but instead I barked. Why the hell did I barked?

I look to my left and see a jet black wolf.

'The legends are true?' I ask.

'Yes,zoey' Sam said.

'All I got to say is welcome to the pack little uley' Jared said.

'Now Zoey you keep your nose in those legend books. Do you know how to change back?' Sam asked.

'A-all I got to do is calm down. Right?' I said unsure.

'Yes. Now go behind the bush. Emily like has clothes for you.' Sam said. I nodded my Wolf head. After 5 minutes I changed back.

Then I heard something I never thought I would hear ever again.


"Jakey!!" I yell and jump into his arms.

"I missed you ZoZo." He mumbled into my hair.

"Are you a wolf too?"I mumbled into his chest.

"Yea. That's why you had to stay away." When we pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes it like the world around us stopped. Like we were the only people in the world. Then images of us holding hands,getting married and having kids flashed through my head.

We finally snapped out of it from Paul.

"Let's go Zoey. Sam wants you." He said. Wait Sam.

"Wait if Sam's a wolf then he's been keeping this secret from me. We promised to never keep secrets from each other!" I yelled. I marched into that house and went off. I was shaking uncontrollably.

Jacob ran after me. "Hey look at me." He said. He stood in front of me and we locked eyes,and I calmed down instantly.

"You imprinted on each other?" Sam asked. We both nodded.

"Good. Now let's teach you our ways." Sam said as he,Jared,Paul and Jake smirked. Emily had a 'don't look at me' look on her face.

Oh. No.

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