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It's been a week. Only one week and I'm ready to tear off Sam's head. No joke. He's been up my butt. I don't get privacy anymore.

"ZOEY!" He yelled.

"WHAT!" I tell back.

"Let's go you have patrol." He said. Ugh. I had patrol. With Paul. Yay.

I headed down stairs to see Paul waiting for me.

"Let's go loca." I rolled my eyes and jumped off the pack porch and phased. "Show off." Paul mumbled. I growled at him. He winked at me and phased.

'God I hate you.' I thought to him.

'Sure. Let's get this over with.' He thought back.

'Happily.' We took off. About 5 minutes into the patrol I smelt leech.

'Paul I got something.' I thought.

'I can smell it. It's not the Cullen's. Must be a nomad.' He thought back. I howled calling Sam and the pack to our location. Soon enough we got howls back and the pack showed up.

Voices flooded my head.

'What did you guys find?' Sam asked.

'Leech stench. Not the Cullen's." Paul said.

'Probably a nomad. Everyone keep a good eye out on your patrol. Keep going guys.' Sam said. Jake rubbed up against me and left.

The rest of patrol went by smoothly. Since it was about 12:00 Paul,Jared,Sam,Embry and I decided to go wake up Jake since he had a night shift last night.

When we got there some brunette marched down to us.

"What did you do!" She yelled pushing Sam.

"What did we do? What he do? What did he tell you?" Paul said being a jerk.

"Nothing! He tells me nothing because he scared of you!" She said. Paul started laughing like a lunatic. The girl had it and slapped Paul.

"Yo!" I yelled. She turned to me.

"What are you gonna do." She asked me. Paul started freaking out.

"Bella get back!" She turned to look at Sam then saw Paul getting mad.

"Too late now." Jared said as he,Embry, and I laughed. Paul phased and Jake came running out.

Paul was about to attack Bella,but Jacob phased and protected her. Why is he so protective over her. I stood there thinking looking out into space. Does he love her. Am I not good enough.

Paul and Jacob are full on fighting and I'm out in la la land. I feel empty.

I snap out of it and turn to This so called Bella.

"Who are you?" I asked. She looked at me with fear.

"I-I'm Bella." I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get her to my house." I said. Embry and I hopped in the bed of the truck as we rode to my house.

"Hey,you must of forgotten that we can read minds. Don't worry,Bella chose to be with the leech,but the leeches left town." Embry said. I just shook my head. We finally made it to my house.

"Hey,we should go back to make sure Jake is ok." Bella said.

"You don't have to worry about Jake. That's not your job." I mumbled while I was right next to her. She shot me a glare.

"I wouldn't give me attitude. I can rip your head off but I won't. Your leech will go after me." I said and walked in the house while she stood there with her mouth open in shock.

I walked in and grabbed a muffin. Embry,Jared,and Bella walked in.

"Who's this?" Emily ask.

"Bella Swan." Jared said.

"Leech girl." I said trying to slide it into a cough. Jared and Embry laugh while Emily gave me a disapproving look.

"So, your  the vampire girl?" Emily ask with a smirk.

"So,your the wolf girl?" Bella retorted.

"Sorta,well,I'm engaged to one."

"Can't believe you run with vampires!" Jared said.

"You...can't...really run with vampires. There fast...like really fast."Bella said.

"Ya? Well we're faster." Embry said. We all laughed except Bella. She didn't seem amused.

"Jacobs right you are good with weird. Zoey I wanna talk to you later." Sam said. I nodded. Soon enough Paul and Jake came in. I went to go over to Jake,but Bella saw what I was going to do and did this.

"Oh my gosh Jake! Are you ok,are you hurt?" Everyone turned to me. Even Jake.

The muffin I had in my hand I squeezed it to death. I was shaking. I walked out back and phased.

"ZoZo!" Jake called. I could hear Bella inside as Jake ran after me.

"Is he seriously going after that ass instead of me!" She said. I started growling towards the door. Everyone stood up inside and faced Bella.

"Bella go home. Now." She left.

'Choose Jake.' I thought.


'Choose. Who is it going to be. Me or that leech lover.' I thought. He phased and came up to me.

'You. It will always be you. Nothing is ever going to change that,and what I said isn't the imprint talking. It's me.' He thought. He rubbed up against me.

'Always you.'

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