// thirteen - cruel sensations //

21 4 2

Chapter dedicated to Ally Manalang <3



Did you ever believe that the lies were the truth?

Did you ever fall in love?

I say we should just love ; because if you fall in love // everything that falls gets broken // and do you want your love to be broken //because you fell in love?

  In shortest terms , Never fall for the wrong person who never loved you back , because that shit just hurts.

Karl entered Carly's house.

"Shall we eat first?" Carly asked Karl.

"Yeah. Sure. Why not? I'm starving" Karl told Carly.

"Come on!" Carly told Karl.

"Seat there" As Carly directly points a seat wherein Karl can seat and eat Dinner.

"Dinner is served" Carly said.

As Karl eats along.

"So , what time will they come? It seems that they're taking so long" Karl says as he drinks a glass of water.

But after drinking a glass of water , there were side effects.

Karl felt iccy and he felt dizzy. He felt like he was hallucinating something , and yeah. Karl had a breakdown. He fell in deep sleep because sleeping pills were dipped in Karl's water.

Guess what , Carly won again.

"Sleeping pills" Carly whispered.


Janey went home alone. She walked the streets and managed to go back home safely.

When she entered her house , her mother was worried.

  "Why did you take so long? It's already 7PM. You should've been home here an hour ago!" Her mother yelled at her.

"I'm really sorry , Mom. I just passed by the library because I was bored. So I read a good book to cleanse my mind from everything that happened" Janey told her Mom.

"While , alright! Get dressed! And take a fucking bath! You smell like smoke" Janey's mom says.

"Mom. I take that as a compliment" Janey told her mother.


  Then everything went rogue. Karl was unconscious. As Carly carries Karl's body and lays it in her bed , Karl was under his deep sleep because of the water he drank , sleeping pills were dipped on Karl's water. And it was Carly's fault.

What an ugly bitch , right?

As Carly takes off her clothes , and Karl's clothes while he was sleeping , but Karl was really in his deep sleep. Nothing could wake him up in the next 8 hours.

Carly grabs her video camcorder and films the whole thing.

As Carly went under Karl as she faced Karl and sobbed and cried "Stop!" in a raping manner.

In a way , the video looked like that Karl was raping Carly but everything wasn't true.

"Rapist!" Carly said as she acted that Karl was raping her , but not really. Karl was asleep.

"Oh my God!" Carly yelled and moaned.

And everything that night , faded.

Whatever happened that night? It was false. False rape. Karl never raped anyone. But that video , looked like Karl raped someone , but he never really did. He was framed.

The next day , Karl woke up in the dinner table all dressed up.

"Where am I?" Karl asked to his self.

"You're in my mansion. You fell asleep during the meeting , Karl!" Carly lied. He lied to Karl.

"Well ,you can take a bath in my bathroom. School's two hours away" Carly continued.

"I fell asleep during the meeting about SAP?' Karl asked again.

"Yes ,you did" Carly lied again.

Did you believe that the lies were the truth?

Yeah , Karl did , and he fell for it.

When Karl finished taking a bathe , he joined Carly in breakfast.

"Gosh , I'm really sorry for sleeping through the meeting , last night " Karl apologized even though there was nothing to apologize.

"It's okay. It was actually boring. Me myself could've slept because Sarah was so fucking boring" Carly says.

"Sarah's pretty right?" Carly asked Karl.

"Uhh. Yeah. Yeah. She is" Karl replied.

"She looks like a weiner. Did you know that she almost named as "Sachet" " Carly asked.

"No, why?" Karl responded.

"Oh fuck it! Let's go!" Carly told Karl.

As Karl followed Carly to her garage.

When Carly opened the lights to her garage , Karl was mind blowned.

"Oh my fucking gosh!" Karl reacted as he saw collections of cars.

"Come , come. Let's go! We'll be late" Carly hurried Karl as they rode on her blue Ferrari.

When they arrived school , Karl splitted up with Carly.

As Carly approached to Sarah.

"I've got the video!" Carly told Sarah as Carly hands out a Disk to Sarah.

"I promise you , that this will be in good hands" Sarah told Carly.

But Carly had a thought , Carly loved Karl. Carly always wanted to be with Karl. But Carly was scared to admit everything he felt for Karl.

Because she had a surreal thought , Karl refused him in everything , and she would never have a chance on dating or being with Karl , because Karl never loved Carly back.

But Carly never really wanted to be a fool , and fools are described as the people who tries hard to make the person he/she loves her/him back.


Karl walked everywhere in the school with insults.

But he was just so tired of it. So he lets all of his feelings out in the black , Into The Black.

"Shut the fuck up. I never raped anyone , or anyone in this school. Fuck it all with your rumors. You weren't there. How did you know that I really raped someone?" Karl yelled.

"Look at your face" someone yelled.

As Janey approached Karl and grabbed Karl's hands and lead him outside.

"Karl. I love you. Don't do that ever again. Okay? That's bullshit. Forget about it. Who cares what they say? What mattes is that we're together. And nothing can seperate us" Janey told Karl.

"Fine. Janey. Okay. I'll forget about everything. Thank you for always being there for me , when I needed you" Karl told Janey.

"And thank you for loving me , the way that no one ever loved me before" Janey responded as Karl kissed Janey in the forehead.

As Janey directly kisses Karl in the lips and everything went roam.

If I myself was included in a very sweet and decent romance story , but it was all just a dream ? I wish I'll never wake up again.



Thank you so much for 200+ readers milestone guys <3 after five days of hardwork , it totally pays off. Thank you ;) Goal , please. 1.5k readers please ;)

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