// fifteen - cruel relationships //

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Chapter dedicated to Karey Magalona <3 who surprisingly requested and waited for Chapter fifteen.


Nobody asked you to fall for me.

Gwyneth cried in the bathroom all day long while Nadel and Bea comforted her.

"It's all right" Nadel said as she patted Gwyneth in the back.

As Gywneth sobbed so hard , like if she was drowning with water.

"It really hurts , so much. I mean , he just turned me down , like that. What a bitch" Gwyneth told Bea and Nadel.

"Oh please. Karl's really a bitch. Forget him" Nadel told Gwyneth.

"Wasn't he the reason why you ended up with Gab?" Gwyneth asked Nadel.

"Yeah. He was. But anyways , fuck the shit outta him!" Nadel told Gwyneth.

"You know Gwyneth ,you can't just cry in the bathroom ,in the whole break. Why don't you just present yourself , as an independent and single person. Living free" Bea told Gwyneth.

"You think it's that easy?" Gwyneth told Bea.

"Come on , math class is up next! You don't wanna miss that" Bea told Gwyneth.

"Let's go" Nadel encouraged.

It was Math class , again. Where the drama had started.

How the friendships broke into pieces.

Karl was turned off. Karl saw how Gwyneth, Nadel , Gab and Alex passed notes to each other. But there was one person that Karl trusted among them , Nadel.

When they were passing notes to each other , they always looked at Karl , and Karl suspected that Gwyneth and the others are talking about him.

As Karl gain his trust to his friend , or was his friend , NADEL.

Karl passed a note to Nadel.

What is it all about? Is it about me?

Karl send.

Gwyneth looked suspicious when she saw Karl exchanging letters with Nadel.

As Nadel wrote.

Gwyneth said that "she doesnt want to fall for you again"

Nadel sends.

When Karl reads it , he was shocked. He felt groovy and cruel.

As he wrote to Nadel.

Is that all?

Karl sends.

As Nadel reads and replies.

Uhh.. Idk

Nadel sends.

When the note gets to Karl , he felt that Nadel was lying.

You're one of them. Liar -___-

Karl sends the note.

When Nadel reads it , she wasn't satisfied.

I'm not one of them. Just for you to know , that's all? Okay. Just that.

Nadel sends.

When Karl reads , Karl was annoyed as Karl tears the note in pieces.

When Nadel saw it , she was angry , and she didn't care less.

As Nadel passes on the letter that Karl had sent the other day.

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