// thirty - the cruel conclusion //

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Chapter dedicated to Earl , you bitch.


No one ever loved her. No one noticed her. No one ever kissed her. No one loved her the way Karl loved her.

Her name is Janey. Kyra Janey Eastwood.

She was held captive by fools who raped her in the night of a steamy party at Lebowski's house.

Everything doesn't last forever ; even love doesn't. So what's the point of hoping for nothing? You're just causing permanent damage for yourself.

Emotional scars , wraths and battles inside your brain and heart.

But what she faced escalated quickly and was unenvitable.

She was nurtured by her loving parents , but the secrets never lasted forever. Sometimes , you just need to let it out.

"You're not my daughter. You're mother is a mistress of your father. We kept it for a long time" Mrs. Eastwood muttered as she looked at Mr. Eastwood crying with lots of tears streaming down her narrow face.

"What?" Janey asked and started to question herself.

"Why didn't you tell me when I was a kid?" Janey questioned.

"We were scared" Mr. Eastwood said.

As Janey walked out crying so much as she really wanted to disappear.

"Fuck you" she yelled as she opened the door to leave the house.

As Mrs. Eastwood began crying on Mr. Eastwood's shoulder.

"Don't worry honey , everything will be fine" Mr. Eastwood said as he kissed Mrs. Eastwood on the forehead.

When the next day surpassed , justice was there. It wasn't really hard to reach.

Nadel , Alex and Gwyneth were expelled.

As Gwyneth approached Janey.

"I was innocent you bitch!" Gwyneth said as she looked at Janey angrily.

As Janey slaps Gwyneth so hard on the face.

"How's that for a gay rapist!" Janey said as she walked out.

And everyone looked at Janey like she was the vengeful badgirl.

She had the killing mood on her , she felt like she was on lit.

When it was graduation day for the Bridgemont Prep goers, she was awarded as valedictorian.

"For my speech--- I don't really have a speech. I just want to say that you guys , thank you so much for killing Karl. To the jocks , Mr. Pida and every shitty people sitting here. That ends my closing speech , thank you and YOU PASSED YOUR SECONDARY LEVEL!" Janey said as she threw her graduation cap in the air , and everyone did so too.

Everyone threw their graduation clap and gave a round of applause.

But inside Janey , her feelings. She wanted revenge. And she had cruel intentions inside her.

When the graduation rites and excercises were finished , Janey was happy and she celebrated of course ; as every senior who graduated , was in Janey's party.

Of course , Janey was the richest bitch on Bridgemont Prep.

She threw the biggest party ever.

But she had one thing that Janey would never forget. It was KARL.

As they say , when the king is gone , he is not forgotten.

But for Janey , she decided to trust both ways , he never forgotten , and he wanted revenge and what kind of nasty revenge is she planning anyways.

  5 YEARS LATER.....

Do you know when the bitch comes back?

Janey moved in Manhattan , she was living in a pen house , she was a billionaire.

But she never expected , that she was a scandalous bitch , and her persona was evil.

She was still outlooking for revenge , but she was destined for revenge as she saw the three people she never trusted.

Meet Nadel. The bitchy whore.

Meet Gwyneth. The denial slut.

Meet Alex. The skanky asshole.

And revenge is mightier , and we all know that karma is a bitch , but I guess Janey is up to no good.

As she avenges Karl.

As she plans her cruel intentions.

Bringing her INTO THE BLACK.

Whatever it is , she's vengeful , scandalous and scambitous.

Meet the Vengeful Bitch , Janey Eastwood before , now known as Maria Jane Eastwood.

But she never moved on , her heart belongs to Karl.

Forever and always.

Love , Janey.

But with all the revelations happening , she wanted to end her life.

While driving in a highway nearby the upstate of New York City , she decided to have her own car accident , infact she crashed cars with another car.

Her Corvette was destroyed. But what happened to Janey after that?


Oh my gosh! I finished Into Pieces - book 1  ;) thank you so much for reading this book!

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Thank you , again.

Forever and always :')

Check out the announcements , playlist and the acknowledgements in the preceeding pages :-)


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