Epilogue I

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Cheating Death


Everything was undeniable. Everything that happened. It was worst. Imagine that. Imagine everything. I was safe.

I almost died. I almost did. Gladly I cheated death , and it wasn't easy. You thought I would've seemingly surpass almost everything? That easily.

I woke up in a room , an isolated room where I saw Karl , he was sitting nearby my waists , he fixed my blankets.

"K-Karl? Are you alive" I asked him. I was shocked. I thought he died. After all the things that happened , he died and he's here nearby me. Facing and staring at me.

"It's your decision" he told me as I started to cry.

As he started to mess with me , he screamed "JANEY! JANEY!"

And I was frightened ; and I died inside.

I woke up in another room.

"Karl. Karl. Karl" I shouted as I saw a doctor near me.

"Honey. Honey" My mother said as she started to hug me. "What is this? Where am I? Where's Karl?"

I begin to ask lots of questions to myself and to the others.

"It's okay. Honey. You're alive" My mother told me as I started to cry for a while.

"Where's Karl?" I started to shout as I tried to stand , and I cant. There were restraints in my legs. For me , I felt trapped.

"You will untighten these restraints and leave the cell with the door open" I told the doctor.

Assholes. Pssh.

"Karl's dead honey" my mother said as I begin to cry hard.

I cried like a little girl who lost her barbie doll.

"Fuck you" I said as the doctor approaches me closely.

I kicked him in his chest as he shouted "GODDAMN. THAT'S ONE STRONG WOMAN"

"Karl was here. He seated there" I told my mother as I begin to point out where Karl seated.

"Have you been doing drugs while driving?" The doctor asked.

"I don't do drugs bitch" I yelled.

"Maam , we need to transfer her at the mental medication centre" The doctor told Mom as they exchanged looks.

"My girl's not crazy" Mom told the doctor as she begins to hug me.

"We need to examine her for a few nights. We'll see how she will go by" The doctor said as he patted Mom.


"You think I'm crazy. Well if you think that. Fuck you" I told them.

"Calm down" the doctor said.

"Fuck you" I yelled.

As I begin to cry and cause annoying tantrums.


"Where's father?" I asked my mom.

"He left us" mother replied.

That's not true.

"No that's not true. That's impossible" I yelled and cried.

"Okay honey. Search your feelings , you know it to be true" The doctor told me.

"You're not the boss of me" I said.


To Be Continued.


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