the letter

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Coles POV

I look around her room which isn't much of a bedroom. I see that her draws have been messed around so I go and have a look and see most of her clothes are missing I start to panic and keep looking around for something when I see a letter on her bed. I run to it pick it up and as i'm reading it I start to cry.




*troys POV*

I wake up and chuck on a black top and grey sweatpants. I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth, I look into the mirror and see I look tired and depressed.

I finish brushing my teeth and start walking down the hallway, as I'm walking down I look in Eleanor's room and see Cole in there.

at first I just shrug it off, but instantly back track when I realise he's crying. I walk in confused and see him holding a letter I look around and see most of Eleanor's stuff is missing.

This confuses me even more and so I walk towards him. he looks up and I say "hey mate whats wrong?"

at first he's quiet and i'm about to ask him again when he gives me the letter. And this is what it said.

i'm sick of being your guys slave!, i'm sick of constantly being abused, hurt by your words and constantly being blamed for everything.

I thought you were my family, you were supposed to love me ...

after being rejected by my mate, I have had enough, i'm leaving and never coming back.

after reading this you will probably be smiling and happy that I left.

Well so long bitches.

Once I have read this I realise that I have tears running down my face. I look at Cole and see him crying. I start to get angry and say

"WHY DID YOU REJECT HER?!!!" but after I have said this I realise that I shouldn't  be angry at him I should be mad at myself.

This is all my fault, I may not have hit her as much as Brent or my father and I may not have constantly said mean words to her

but I was never the big brother she looked up to.

I blamed her for my mums death.

and now shes left...

This is all my fault.

I drop down on my knees and start crying, I hear shuffling and see Cole leave the room.

after crying for some bit I go to the one person who needs to see this.

The person that was the worst to her.

My father.









I walk down the hallway and open his door to his office. As soon as I open it I am hit with the smell of Smoke and alcohol. I crinkle my nose in disgust. I look around and see him drinking whiskey.

He looks up and snarls at me, he's about to say something but I bet him to it.

"hello Father"




he grunts and says "what do you want"

I look at him in disgust and throw him the piece of paper. He looks at me suspiciously then grabs it.

He looks at it and starts reading it. As he's reading it I see him face change from boredom, to sad.

I look at him in suprise as I see him crying. I then say

" why are you crying? You said she killed mum so why should you be sad?!!"

he looks up at me with bloodshot eyes and says "bring your brother in. Theres something I need to tell you" he starts sobbing.

I look at him in confusion then I start walking out to get Brent.

I walk into the kitchen to see him sticking his tongue down Britneys throat.

I look away in disgust and say "Brent stop sticking your tongue down her throat and come, dad wants to talk"

he pulls away and looks at me annoyed. He whispers something in Britneys causing her to giggle.

ugh shes like a walking std , I hear my wolf Liam say.

I chuckle silently and see brent get up. he then says

"what does he want?" he looks annoyed and so I say " just come and you will see"

We both walk into my Dads office to see him still crying.

Brent looks suprised then says "dad whats wrong?" 

Dad looks up and says

"Sit down boys I"ve got something to tell you"





*5 minutes later*

dad has shown Brent the letter and he didn't cry but  he looked upset.

he has no right to be upset! he hurt my baby sister!" my wolf growls

and I start to get angry but realise that I never did anything about it. I would always just ignore her and I was never there for her.

I look up and see dad sigh.  then what he says, changes everything

" Eleanor didn't kill your mother, Rogues did"

I hear Brent and myself gasp.

I stand up really quick causing my dad to look up. he looks at me with so much guilt and regret.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US!! HOW COULD YOU LIE TO US!" my wolf has taken over now and I beyond pissed.

he lied to us!

he starts crying again saying sorry over and over again.

I look at Brent to see him sitting there shocked and tears running down his face.

I growl in anger and stomp out.

once inside my bedroom I sit on my bed and burst into tears

I want my baby sis back









Hello! :P hope you enjoy this even though its really short, but all my chapters are short haha

dont forget to




love ya'll

the golden eyed wolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz