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pic of Aria, Chads mate!

My eyes scanned the paper.

' the wolf with the golden eyes. very uncommon. and when found is normally a white wolf. This means they are the moon godess's daughter .

my eyes widen even more as I carry on.

' these golden eyes have three special powers. first one is when they have learnt to when they see someone being hurt that they don't want to get hurt including themselves can shine there eyes and put a protective shield over them. '

wait what!, this is freaking me out but I carry on reading.

' second power is the ability to see in the dark or see through walls with them shining. and even if they have the power they can shine the golden eyes and cause them to melt the wall. (this handy if trapped and need to escape) '

ok that ones cool as

' third and most hardest one to learn is the ability to read peoples personalities and tell if there aura shows that there evil or good. ' this wolf is the most rarest of all magical wolf eyes and there power is to be used for good. if used for bad reasons. then can turn very bad.

last seen of this type of wolf was 10 years ago

holy guacamole. I look up with wide eyes and look to see Chad has the same facial expression as me. I look up at daisy and she's about to say something when chad interrupts.

"Holy thats sick! I wish I could do that! I mean really you can like put a shield and read peoples mind and melt walls! like WHAT THE FU-"

"ok chad thats enough, Yeah It might say that but I obviously cant do it without training, and plus I cant read peoples mind you dumby" I say

he pouts in annoyance but snatches the book off me hearing him mumble "you still have cool as powers" I chuckle in response then look back up at daisy.

"ok so how do we proove that I can do this? and how am I supposed to train?" I say to her.

she smiles and says " Don't worry I know just the right person. Malia. She's an Oracle"

"whats an oracle??"





10 minutes later

We have arrived at the Oracles place where they all stay and train. Oracles are just like us wolfs except they have powers. There powers are that they can get visions and tell parts of your future or messages from the moon goddess, aka my mother. they also don't get a mate because they already have the gift of there powers but if they wanted a mate they would have to give up there own power.

right now we are looking for Malia the best trained Oracle. We are walking around when daisy finds her. I know its Malia because Daisy runs towards her and hugs her. She's really pretty with long Black hair, Green eyes and a body to die for.

She walks up to us we introduce each other and start explaining everything. she looks confused then when we show her the book she is surprised but smiles and starts saying.

"ok I've never seen this before so it might be a bit hard for me to help you learn your powers but I can ask the moon goddess for help aka your mother and research etc. okay?" she smiles.but I nod in reply. she tells Chad and Daisy to leave so I can concentrate on what to do.

Well here goes nothing





2 hours later.

its been two hours and i'm exhausted surprisedly I managed to put a protective shield around myself but it was only there for a little bit before it left and my eyes were sore and tired. Malia was so shocked when she first saw it but now she is fascinated and wants to see more. I hd the same reaction as her. I hear a knock and look outside to see chad looking worried and in a rush. I stand up say goodbye and thank you to Malia and walk out.

Once I've closed the door behind me I look at Chad and hear him say something that will haunt me forever.

"your'e brothers are here "

Chads POV (this is when he leaves Eleanor with Malia. )

I left the door and start walking to my office. I cant believe Eleanor is the moon goddess's Daughter! and she has powers! I have to go tell Aria and Hanna.

I always thought Eleanor's eyes were so different but not that different. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I see my pack crowding these two guys who look between 17-18 years and they look familiar but I might be wrong. I see Hanna shouting at them and start running towards them confused. everyone looks up at me when they see me coming they push the young men towards me.

"everybody calm down, and Hanna tell me why are you yelling at these men. "

she looks at me with anger but calms down and says " these pathetic men are Eleanor's brothers" she spat this out and when I hear this I instantly get angry. Yes Eleanor told us about her brothers, dad and everyone in her pack. I am brought out of my thoughts and start walking towards them they look up at me in guilt I go to the older looking guy and punch him in the face, he falls back in surprise and I keep punching him in the face. His brother is trying to stop me but I hear the rest of the pack cheering me on. They also know about her past and they love her but hate what they did to her. When I realise he's not fighting back I stop and step back breathing hard.

" why are you not fighting back? why are you here? why would you do that to eleanor?"

he eventually stands up wipes his face with his hand and looks at me with regret and guilt. I look at him in confusion.

why would he be guilty and regretful when he choose to do it.

" you don't deserve to see her, she's gone through enough and she's safe her. You shouldn't even be here!" I look at both of them in disgust. I see the younger one is crying. I go up to him and say "explain yourself"

he looks up sighs and starts explaining

"it started when our mother died..."

5 minutes later

they have just told me about there dad lying to them and how they blamed her for killing there mother. what kind of father does that! how could such a kind-hearted amazing girl like Ele hurt someone. They told me about how it was mostly Brent and some girl named Britney who abused her but troy just ignored. which is no excuse and I still hate them for what they did but I can tell that they are really regretful and guilty.

I have brought them inside the house and when I see the time I realise that Ele should be done soon and I should probably go get her and tell her.

When I tell Troy and Brent that I'm about to go get her they both pale face.

"dont worry I know you hurt her and did some very bad things but when she hears what you have to say for yourself she should come around. she's too kind hearted to hold a grudge like that" I say and they both look at me with sad but hopeful faces. they nod and that is my cue to leave.

I grab my jacket and shut the door.

god whats Ele going to react like





hello! sorry its short again! but its longer than most ones its 1324 words :P I"ll try keeping them this long or longer but please





the golden eyed wolfWhere stories live. Discover now